Topic: Trial Balance: Usefulness and Limitations

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Mention FOUR errors that the trial balance will not reveal.

The errors that the trial balance will not reveal include:
(i) Error of Omission
(ii) Error of Commission
(iii) Error of Original Entry
(iv) Error of Principle

Define a Trial Balance and explain its purpose.

A trial balance is a summary of balances in the ledgers at a particular time. It is extracted to test the arithmetical accuracy of the entries in the ledgers. Extracting the trial balance is the first step in preparing the financial statements (i.e. statement of profit or loss and statement of financial position).

The following balances were extracted from the books of Omoba Enterprises as at 31 December 2013:

Details N’000
Accumulated depreciation 85,000
Administrative expenses 775,000
Accounts payables 585,000
Subscription 15,000
Rent and rates 130,000
Accounts receivables 475,000
Postage and stationery 125,000
Newspapers & periodicals 40,000
Utility 35,000
Allowances for Bad debt 85,000
Property, plant and equipment 925,000
Retained earnings 575,000
Audit fees 85,000
Revenue 2,500,000
Cost of sales 800,000
Other income 82,000
Cash and bank balances 882,000
Capital 375,000

i. Use the information above to extract a trial balance of Omoba Enterprises as at 31 December, 2013. (12 Marks)
ii. Use the information below to recompute the entity’s capital for the period under review:

  • Drawings: N250,000
  • Profit for the period: N315,000

(i) Trial Balance of Omoba Enterprises as at 31 December 2013:

Details Debit (N’000) Credit (N’000)
Accumulated depreciation 85,000
Administrative expenses 775,000
Accounts payables 585,000
Subscription 15,000
Rent and rates 130,000
Accounts receivables 475,000
Postage and stationery 125,000
Newspapers & periodicals 40,000
Utility 35,000
Allowances for Bad debt 85,000
Property, plant, and equipment 925,000
Retained earnings 575,000
Audit fees 85,000
Revenue 2,500,000
Cost of sales 800,000
Other income 82,000
Cash and bank balances 882,000
Capital 375,000
Total 4,287,000 4,287,000

(ii) Recomputed Capital for Omoba Enterprises:


The purpose of a trial balance is to prove the accuracy of the General Ledger accounts of a business. However, the “balancing” of the debit side and the credit side of a trial balance does not guarantee that there is no error in the General Ledger accounts.

i. State TWO uses of a trial balance to an entity. (2 Marks)
ii. State FOUR errors that may lead to difference in trial balance total figures. (2 Marks)
iii. State FOUR errors that may NOT affect the “balancing” of a trial balance. (2 Marks)

(i) Two uses of a trial balance to an entity:

  1. Proving the arithmetical accuracy of all the ledger postings.
  2. Showing ledger balances at a glance.

(ii) Four errors that may lead to a difference in trial balance total figures:

  1. Casting error.
  2. Transposition error.
  3. Wrong amount being transferred from ledger to the trial balance.
  4. Omission of ledger balances in the trial balance.

(iii) Four errors that may NOT affect the “balancing” of a trial balance:

  1. Error of omission.
  2. Error of original entry.
  3. Error of principle.
  4. Compensating error.

Which of the following errors does NOT affect the balancing of a trial balance?
A. Error of principle
B. Casting error
C. Transposition error
D. Duplication of entries
E. Missing entries in the ledger

Answer: A
An error of principle involves misclassification of transactions, but it does not affect the arithmetic balance of the trial balance.

Which of the following errors will cause the trial balance totals to be unequal?
A. Errors of transposition
B. Errors of omission
C. Errors of principle
D. Compensating error
E. Error of commission


A. Errors of transposition

Errors of transposition occur when digits are reversed, causing a mismatch in the trial balance. For example, writing N542 instead of N452 can result in unequal totals. Other errors, such as errors of omission or principle, do not cause trial balance discrepancies.