Topic: Marketing, operations and HR perspectives

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Explain the FOUR (4) different orientations organisations have towards customers

Four different orientations organisations have towards customers

Orientation Description Production orientation Customers will buy whatever we produce – our job is to make as many as we can. (Demand exceeds available supply.)

Product orientation, a variant of production orientation

Add more features to the product – demand will pick up. Such firms do not research what customers actually want.

Sales orientation Customer are naturally sales resistant so the product must be sold actively and aggressively and customers must be persuaded to buy them.

Marketing orientation Societal orientation

The key task of the organization is to determine the needs, wants and values of a target market and to adapt the organisation to delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than its competitors.

This holds that a company should make marketing decisions by considering consumers’ wants, company’s requirements, and society’s long- term interest. An organisation’s task is to determine the needs, wants and interest of a target market and to deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors in the way that preserves or enhances the society’s well-being.

Relationship orientation This is a facet of customer relationship management which focuses on customer loyalty and long term customer engagement rather than shorter-term goals like customer acquisition and individual sales. The goal here is to create strong, even emotional, customer connections to a brand that can lead to ongoing business, fee word- of- mouth promotion and information from customers that can generate leads.

The successful implementation of corporate strategy depends, in part, on effective management of human resources within an organization.


Explain FIVE (5) human resource management functions that can help accomplish organizational objectives. (10 marks)

Human Resource Management Functions:

  1. Hiring and Recruiting:
    • One of the primary functions of the human resources department is to oversee hiring and recruiting within an organization. The department actively recruits, screens, interviews, and hires qualified candidates for open positions. The department administers skills assessment and personality tests to match candidates with the right job within the company. The human resources department also develops employee handbooks that explain company policies and procedures to new hires. Effective recruitment ensures that the organization has the right talent to execute its strategy.
  2. Training and Development:
    • The human resources department handles the training and development of staff within an organization. It creates training programs and conducts training for new hires and existing employees. The human resources department also works in conjunction with department managers and supervisors to determine the training needs of employees. They are responsible for contracts with training providers and monitoring training budgets. Continuous learning and development ensure that employees’ skills and knowledge remain aligned with the company’s strategic goals.
  3. Handling Compensation:
    • The human resources department is responsible for various aspects of employee compensation. The department typically handles employee payroll and ensures employees are paid accurately and on time, with the correct deductions made. Human resources departments also manage compensation programs that include pensions and other fringe benefits offered by the employer. Proper compensation management motivates employees to perform at their best, contributing to the achievement of organizational objectives.
  4. Employee Benefits:
    • The human resources department manages all aspects of employee benefits, including health and dental insurance, long-term care or disability programs, as well as employee assistance and wellness programs. The department keeps track of employee absences and job-protected leave, such as family medical leave. Human resources department representatives ensure employees receive the proper disclosures regarding benefit eligibility or if benefits are no longer available because of a layoff or termination. Comprehensive benefits packages can enhance employee satisfaction and retention, which is critical for maintaining a stable workforce aligned with organizational goals.
  5. Employee Relations:
    • The human resources department handles employee relations matters within an organization. Employee relations involve employee participation in different aspects of organizational activities. The department maintains the relationship between employees and management by promoting communication and fairness within the company. The department also handles disputes between employees and management, as well as disputes between the company and labor unions or employee rights organizations. Positive employee relations help create a motivated and committed workforce, which is essential for the successful implementation of corporate strategies.

Human Resource Management plays an essential role in employee development activities. Employee development activities refer to initiatives taken by organizations and employees to enhance their skills with time and keep themselves acquainted with the latest developments.


Explain TWO strategic importance of Human Resource Management and employee development. (4 marks)

1. Enhancing Organizational Performance: Human Resource Management (HRM) and employee development are crucial for enhancing organizational performance. By investing in the continuous development of employees’ skills and competencies, an organization can improve productivity, efficiency, and overall competitiveness. This ensures that employees are well-equipped to meet the challenges of their roles and contribute effectively to achieving the organization’s strategic goals.

2. Employee Retention and Motivation: Strategic employee development fosters a culture of continuous learning and career growth, which can significantly improve employee satisfaction and motivation. When employees see that the organization is invested in their personal and professional growth, they are more likely to remain loyal to the company, reducing turnover rates. This not only helps in retaining talent but also enhances the organization’s ability to attract top talent.