Topic: Introduction to capital budgeting

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a) Senchi Ltd is evaluating an investment proposal to manufacture River boat, which has performed well in test marketing trials conducted recently by the company’s research and development division.


Identify and explain the stages in the capital investment decision-making process. (10 marks)

The key stages in the capital investment decision-making process are:

  1. Identifying Investment Opportunities: Investment opportunities or proposals could arise from the analysis of strategic choices, the business environment, research and development, or legal requirements. The key requirement is that investment proposals should support the achievement of organizational objectives.
  2. Screening Investment Proposals: In the real world, capital markets are imperfect, so it is usual for companies to be restricted in the amount of finance available for capital investment. Companies, therefore, need to choose between competing investment proposals and select those with the best strategic fit and the most appropriate use of economic resources.
  3. Analyzing and Evaluating Investment Proposals: Candidate investment proposals need to be analyzed in depth and evaluated to determine which offer the most attractive opportunities to achieve organizational objectives, for example, to increase shareholder wealth. This is the stage where investment appraisal plays a key role, indicating, for example, which investment proposals have the highest net present value.
  4. Approving Investment Proposals: The most suitable investment proposals are passed to the relevant level of authority for consideration and approval. Very large proposals may require approval by the board of directors, while smaller proposals may be approved at the divisional level, and so on. Once approval has been given, implementation can begin.
  5. Implementing, Monitoring, and Reviewing Investments: The time required to implement the investment proposal or project will depend on its size and complexity and is likely to be several months. Following implementation, the investment project must be monitored to ensure that the expected results are being achieved and the performance is as expected. The whole of the investment decision-making process should also be reviewed in order to facilitate organizational learning and to improve future investment decisions.

(5 points well explained @ 2 marks each = 10 marks)

Kwame, after his National Service and with no hope of securing a job in the formal sector, has decided to run a taxi service. The following forecast has been made for the operation of a service between Abisim and Sunyani:

  1. Revenue totaling GH¢300 a week for 52 weeks in a year. This is net of fuel and other variable costs.
  2. Tyres: four pieces for a year at GH¢120 per unit.
  3. Maintenance and servicing: GH¢120 per month.
  4. Salaries: GH¢3,000 per year.
  5. Insurance: GH¢350 per year.

The net cash flow will increase at 5% per annum for the next five years due to inflation. The cost of the vehicle is estimated at GH¢28,000. The project appears quite profitable based on the NPV criteria using the Government policy rate of 26%. However, the banks are offering rates far higher than the policy rate.


You are to calculate the break-even rate for the project.

(10 marks)

The guiding rate is the internal rate of return (IRR). Any borrowing rate greater than that will render the venture unprofitable.

Calculation of cash flow:

Item Amount (GH¢)
Receipt (300×52) 15,600.00
Tyres 480.00
Maintenance (120×12) 1,440.00
Salaries 3,000.00
Insurance 350.00
Net Cash Flow 10,330.00

Calculation of NPV at different rates:

Year Cash Flow (GH¢) DF (26%) DCF (GH¢) DF (30%) DCF (GH¢)
0 (28,000.00) 1.00 (28,000) 1.00 (28,000)
1 10,330 0.794 8,202.02 0.769 7,943.77
2 10,846.5 0.630 6,833.30 0.592 6,421.13
3 11,388.83 0.500 5,694.41 0.455 5,181.92
4 11,958.27 0.397 4,747.43 0.350 4,185.40
5 12,556.18 0.315 3,955.20 0.269 3,377.61
NPV 1,432.36 (890.17)

IRR Calculation:

IRR = 26% + (1432.36 ÷ 2322.53) × 4
IRR = 26% + 2.47% = 28.47%