Topic: Information Systems Development and Security

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Strategies of IT risk tolerance do NOT include which of the following?

A. Mitigation
B. Transference
C. Eradication
D. Elimination
E. Avoidance

Answer: C. Eradication

Explanation: “Eradication” is not a recognized strategy in IT risk tolerance. Common strategies include mitigation (reducing risk), transference (shifting risk to another party), elimination (completely removing risk), and avoidance (choosing not to engage in activities that create risk). Eradication is not typically used in this context, as it implies complete removal, which is often unrealistic in risk management.

The changeover method that provides the best opportunity for change is:

A. Direct changeover
B. Module method
C. Parallel running
D. Prototyping
E. Pilot changeover

Answer: C. Parallel running

Explanation: Parallel running is the method where both the old and new systems operate simultaneously for a period of time. This provides the best opportunity for change as it allows for thorough testing of the new system while still relying on the old one in case issues arise. It minimizes the risk of failure during the transition by ensuring the availability of a fallback system.

One of the most effective ways of introducing a software upgrade is by which of the following?

A. Debate
B. Persuasion
C. Exchange
D. Advocacy
E. Training

Answer: E. Training

Explanation: Training is crucial for the successful introduction of a software upgrade. It ensures that users understand how to use the new features and navigate the changes, reducing resistance and improving adoption. Training helps to minimize disruptions and allows employees to become proficient in the upgraded system quickly.

MIS implementation CANNOT be successful without people because of which of the following?

A. Systems will be costly
B. People cannot be successful with MIS
C. It is contrary to labour law
D. System cannot be effective without people
E. People will destroy any computer system

Answer: D. System cannot be effective without people

Explanation: MIS (Management Information Systems) rely on people for effective implementation, operation, and decision-making. Even the most advanced systems require human intervention for input, interpretation, and action based on the information provided. People ensure that the system is used correctly and to its full potential, which is critical for the success of MIS.

Awarding payroll software to accommodate changes in tax legislation is an example of which of the following types of maintenance?

A. Adaptive
B. Corrective
C. Preventive
D. Detective
E. Perfective


Answer: A. Adaptive

Explanation: Adaptive maintenance involves modifying software to accommodate changes in the environment, such as updates to tax laws or other regulatory requirements. It is not focused on fixing errors (corrective maintenance) or enhancing performance (perfective maintenance), but rather adapting the system to external changes.

In system development, RFP stands for which of the following? A. Ready for processing
B. Request for proposal
C. Ready for planning
D. Ready for power
E. Request for performance

Answer: B. Request for proposal

Explanation: RFP (Request for Proposal) is a document used in system development and procurement processes where an organization solicits proposals from potential vendors or service providers to deliver products or services. It provides detailed requirements and criteria, enabling suppliers to submit formal bids.