Topic: Human Rights

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Ama Grace acquired a plot of land at Kasoa on which she put up a three-bedroom house. Ama Grace lived in that house with her three children. One morning, two young men entered the house and threw out her belongings. The belongings were left outside for several hours before the police intervened. Without giving Ama Grace the opportunity to state her side of the incident, the police also removed the belongings of Ama Grace from the compound onto the street. The police never took action to look for the two young men who entered the compound of Ama Grace.

Required: State TWO fundamental human rights of Ama Grace that have been violated. (5 marks)

  • Right to own property
  • Interference with the privacy of her home
  • Interference with possession of property

(Any 2 points for 5 marks)

List six fundamental human rights that are inalienable under the 1992 Constitution of Ghana.


  • Right to life
  • Right to personal liberty
  • Right to human dignity
  • Equality and freedom from discrimination
  • Privacy and Protection of Property
  • Fair trial
  • Protection from deprivation of property

[Any 6 points at 1 mark each for a total of 6 marks]

Explain the Statement: ‘fundamental human rights are inalienable under the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.’ (5 marks)

The statement, fundamental human rights are inalienable, means that these rights are inherent and cannot be transferred, surrendered, or taken away. These rights are guaranteed to every individual and must be upheld and protected under the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.

[Explanation worth 5 marks]

Ezra was arrested by the Police for allegedly assaulting an unarmed beggar. Upon his arrest, the Police handcuffed him and also tied a rope around his waist, and dragged him on the ground to the Police Station, which was about fifty (50) meters from where Ezra allegedly committed the offense. At the Police Station, Ezra was kept in the Police cells for three (3) days without food, apart from the fact that he was not allowed to have his bath. On the fourth day, Ezra was rushed to a District Magistrate Court, and without being allowed to state his side of the story, he was sentenced to six (6) months imprisonment without the option of a fine.

State any THREE human rights of Ezra which have been violated by the Police.

  • Right to human dignity
  • Right to personal liberty
  • Right to a fair trial
    (3 points at 2 marks each = 6 marks)

Briefly explain the statement “fundamental human rights as enshrined in the 1992 Constitution of Ghana are inalienable and inviolable”. (2 marks)

The statement means that fundamental human rights are not transferrable and are not capable of being violated.

(2 marks)

i) List FOUR (4) fundamental human rights guaranteed under the 1992 Constitution. (4 marks)

ii) List FOUR (4) freedoms guaranteed under the 1992 Constitution. (4 marks)

i) Four(4) rights guaranteed every Ghanaian under the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana are:

  • The right to life
  • Personal liberty
  • Right to human dignity
  • Equality and freedom from discrimination
  • Rights to privacy and protection
    (Any point @ 1 mark each = 4 marks)

ii) Four(4) Freedoms guaranteed under the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana are:

  • Freedom of speech/expression.
  • Freedom of press/media
  • Freedom of religion
  • Freedom of association
  • Freedom of conscience
    (Any point @ 1 mark each = 4 marks)

List THREE (3) fundamental human rights that must be protected and enforced as provided for in the 1992 Constitution in the Republic of Ghana.
(3 marks)

Three fundamental human rights provided for in the 1992 Constitution of Ghana include:

  1. Protection of Right to Life (Article 13)
  2. Protection of Personal Liberty (Article 14)
  3. Respect for Human Dignity (Article 15)

(Any 3 points for 3 marks)


Ten members of a club (Agro Club) trespassed on a piece of land belonging to a public school. The club erected a wooden structure on the land in which they were residing. When the school authorities noticed their presence, they were then asked to vacate the land, but they defied the warning. The school authorities served written notice on them to remove the structure they have erected on the land, and vacate same within five days or risked their structure being demolished. The club decided to take legal action against the school authorities in the Supreme Court.

Explain whether Agro Club will succeed in their court action. (5 marks)

The Supreme Court is the apex court of Ghana. Under article 129 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, 1992, the Supreme Court shall be the final court of appeal and have such appellate and other jurisdiction as may be conferred on it by the constitution or any other law.

The claim by the ten (10) members of a club (Agro Club) is based on an alleged infringement of their human rights. The claim of the encroachment is grounded on an alleged infringement of their fundamental human rights by the school authorities under article 18 (1).

The 1992 Constitution states that if the claim is that which borders on infringement of one’s fundamental human rights, the appropriate forum is the High Court and not the Supreme Court.

Article 18 provides that every person has a right to own property either alone or in association with others. It is the right of the ten (10) members to erect a wooden structure on the land in which they were despite their trespass. Acquisition of property follows the law. Having a right to own property does not mean that one can encroach on or occupy any land at all irrespective of who owns that land and then claim it as one’s property.

It therefore constitutes trespass to land for anyone to enter the land of another person without the owner’s consent and refuse to leave when ordered to do so. The occupation by the encroachers of the school’s land without authority is unlawful.

The school can therefore eject them from the land without infringing any law. The ten (10) will fail in their action because their conduct is unilaterally occupying another person’s land.

Commencing the court action in the Supreme Court is inappropriate. The action should have been commenced in the High Court pursuant to article 33.

Article 130 provides for the exclusive original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in:

i) all matters relating to the enforcement or interpretation of the Constitution; and ii) all matters arising as to whether an enactment was made in excess of the powers conferred on Parliament or any other authority or person by law or under the Constitution.

In the current scenario, the Agro Club decided to take legal action against the school authorities in the Supreme Court. By the provisions of articles 129 and 130 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, the appellate and exclusive original jurisdictions of the Supreme Court do not fall within the matter under consideration. The Agro Club will therefore, not succeed in its court action.

In two points each, write short notes on the following: e) Principles of natural justice (4 marks)

  • Principles of natural justice are intended to ensure fairness and justice, embodying basic human rights, including the right to be heard and the rule that no one can be a judge in their own cause.
  • These principles ensure procedural fairness, enhancing public confidence in the legal process by maintaining fairness in decisions made by objective decision-makers.

Abena Muka had been a client of Good Shepherd Savings and Loans Ltd (GSSL). In June 2018, Abena Muka was at the office of GSSL to transact business. She entered the office after business hours had ended. Having been to the office consecutively for the third time without being served, she insisted that she would not leave the banking hall until served. Her insistence attracted officials of GSSL, who instructed the policeman on duty to remove her. The policeman, in obeying the instruction, severely beat up Abena Muka, attracting public attention.

Explain TWO (2) fundamental human rights of Abena Muka that were violated by the company and the policeman as per the constitution of the Republic of Ghana. (6 marks)

  • The personal liberty of Abena Muka was violated in the sense that her movement was momentarily restricted, violating Article 14 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, 1992. (3 marks)
  • The dignity of Abena Muka was breached when the policeman subjected her to beatings, and the company disrespected her dignity by refusing to serve her. This violated Article 15 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, 1992. (3 marks)