Topic: Computer Hardware, Software, and Data Life Cycle

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State THREE advantages and THREE disadvantages of Video Conferencing.

Advantages of Video Conferencing:

  1. Cost Savings:
    • Reduces travel expenses and time associated with physical meetings by enabling virtual face-to-face interactions, leading to significant cost savings for organizations.
  2. Increased Efficiency:
    • Facilitates quick decision-making and collaboration by allowing participants from different locations to meet and discuss in real time, enhancing overall productivity.
  3. Accessibility and Flexibility:
    • Provides the ability to connect with remote teams and clients regardless of geographical location, allowing for greater flexibility in scheduling meetings and accommodating different time zones.

Disadvantages of Video Conferencing:

  1. Technical Issues:
    • Participants may experience connectivity problems, software glitches, or hardware malfunctions, which can disrupt communication and affect the quality of the meeting.
  2. Lack of Personal Interaction:
    • The virtual nature of video conferencing can reduce the level of personal interaction and make it difficult to build rapport and trust compared to in-person meetings.
  3. Security Concerns:
    • Video conferencing systems can be vulnerable to hacking and unauthorized access, posing risks to the confidentiality of the information shared during the meetings.

Explain what is meant by Video Conferencing and state FOUR types of equipment used by participants in the process.

Explanation of Video Conferencing:

Video Conferencing is a technology that enables participants at different locations to communicate in real time using audio, video, and data transmission over the internet or a private network. It allows for face-to-face meetings without the need for physical presence, facilitating effective communication and collaboration.

Types of Equipment Used in Video Conferencing:

  1. Camera:
    • A video camera or webcam is used to capture the video of the participants. It can range from built-in webcams on laptops to high-definition cameras for professional setups.
  2. Microphone:
    • A microphone captures the audio of the participants. It can be built-in, stand-alone, or integrated into a headset to ensure clear voice transmission.
  3. Display Screen:
    • A monitor, laptop screen, or TV is used to display the video feed of other participants. In professional setups, large screens or projectors may be used.
  4. Speakers:
    • Speakers or headsets are used to hear the audio from other participants. They are essential for two-way communication during the video conference.

Define the term:

i. “Computer Network”.
(2 Marks)

ii. “Protocol” in relation to data transmission and state FOUR of its properties.
(6 Marks)

i. Definition of “Computer Network”:

A Computer Network is a collection of interconnected computers and devices that communicate with each other to share resources, such as data, files, and hardware devices like printers and internet connections. These networks can be established using wired or wireless communication technologies.

ii. Definition of “Protocol” in relation to data transmission:

A Protocol is a set of rules and conventions that define how data is transmitted and received over a network. Protocols ensure that devices on a network can communicate with each other effectively by specifying how data is formatted, transmitted, and processed.

Properties of Protocols:

  1. Error Detection and Correction: Protocols include mechanisms to identify and correct errors that occur during data transmission to ensure the integrity of the data.
  2. Data Formatting: Protocols define the structure and format of data to ensure that it is correctly interpreted by both the sender and receiver.
  3. Flow Control: Protocols manage the rate of data transmission between devices to prevent congestion and ensure smooth data flow.
  4. Addressing and Routing: Protocols provide unique identifiers for devices on the network and determine the best path for data to travel from the source to the destination.

Define “Operating System” of a computer system.

An Operating System (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs. It acts as an intermediary between users and the computer hardware. Key functions of an OS include managing memory, processes, files, and input/output operations, as well as providing a user interface to interact with the system.

Which of the following is NOT a computer network configuration?

A. Star network
B. Ring network
C. Bus network
D. Tree network
E. Circuit network

Answer: E

Circuit network is not a standard network configuration. The standard configurations include star, ring, bus, and tree networks, which define the topology of how computers are interconnected in a network.

THREE categories of System Software are: Operating System Software, Utility Software and:

A. Communication Software
B. Application Software
C. Language Translator
D. Java
E. Editor

Answer: B

Application software is not considered system software. It is designed to help users perform specific tasks, while system software, such as operating systems, utility programs, and language translators, manage the hardware and create an environment for applications to run.

Which of the following is NOT an output device for a computer system?

A. Monitor
B. Printer
C. Pointer
D. Speaker
E. Projector

Answer: C

A pointer is an input device used to interact with a computer system, such as a mouse or touchpad. The other options, like monitor, printer, speaker, and projector, are all output devices used to convey information from the computer to the user.

Data transmission phenomenon where data is transferred regularly with clock signal is called
A. Asynchronous data transfer
B. Simplex data transfer
C. Duplex data transfer
D. Synchronous data transfer
E. Regular data transfer

D. Synchronous data transfer

In synchronous data transfer, data is sent at regular intervals that are coordinated by a clock signal, ensuring synchronized communication between sender and receiver.

A device that combines the capabilities of a scanner, printer, fax, and copying machine is called
A. Output device
B. Facsimile transmission machine
C. Multifunctional device
E. Dumb terminal

C. Multifunctional device

A multifunctional device integrates several functions, such as printing, scanning, faxing, and copying, into one machine.

Identify the odd one among the following devices
A. Joystick
B. Touch Screen
C. Dot-matrix
D. Light Pen
E. Mouse

C. Dot-matrix

The dot-matrix is a type of printer, which is an output device, while the rest (joystick, touch screen, light pen, and mouse) are input devices.