Topic: Accounting from Incomplete Records

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Mr. Mala, the proprietor of a small bookshop, has requested you to prepare his accounts. He did not keep complete records of account. From his passbook, notebook, bank statements, and oral information obtained during a meeting with him, you put together the following figures for the year ended December 31, 2015:

Item January 1, 2015 (N’000) December 31, 2015 (N’000)
Cash in hand 400 890
Bank overdraft 18,000 14,000
Furniture & Fittings 2,000 2,000
Delivery van 3,600 3,600
Inventories 20,400 22,400
Trade receivables 12,400 9,800
Trade payables 9,120 8,400
Bills payables 2,210 2,200
Bills receivables 3,100 3,200

During the year, Mr. Mala used part of the inventories for domestic affairs which was agreed at N1,200,000. He drew cash for private expenses at frequent intervals. He estimated his drawing in cash at N2,800,000 for the year.

He also agreed with the following suggestions:

  1. To write off irrecoverable debts of N300,000 owed by a customer who died in May 2015.
  2. To charge a notional rent of N1,000,000 per annum for the shop premises owned by him.
  3. To allow 15 percent per annum depreciation on furniture and fittings and 20 percent per annum on the delivery van.


a. Ascertain Mr. Mala’s bookshop’s profit or loss for the year ended December 31, 2015. (8 Marks)

b. Prepare the statement of financial position of the bookshop at December 31, 2015. (12 Marks)

(a) Estimate of Mala’s profit for the year ended 31 December 2015

(b) Statement of financial position as at December 31, 2015


W1 Calc. of Net Worth/Capital as at