The study time in minutes and the number of errors on a mock examination paper made by ten (10) ICAG students are given below:

Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Study Time (X) 90 100 130 150 180 200 220 300 350 400
Errors (Y) 25 28 20 20 15 12 13 10 8 6

(i) Determine how many errors a student would make in the examination if he studied for 280 minutes.

(ii) Determine the expected change in the number of errors if there is a 1-minute change in study time.

The regression equation Y=a+bXY = a + bX is calculated as follows:

b =

a =

Thus, the regression equation is:

    Y = 29.27 0.064X

(i) When X=280X  the number of errors is:

    Y = 29.27 0.064 (280) = 11.35

Therefore, a student studying for 280 minutes would make approximately 11 errors.

(ii) The expected change in the number of errors for a 1-minute change in study time is given by the regression coefficient b=−0.064b 
Thus, a 1-minute change in study time is expected to result in a 0.064 fewer errors.


(iii) The formula for the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient rr is:

r =

Substituting the given values:

r =

Thus, the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient is -0.9261.

(iv) The coefficient of determination is calculated as:

The coefficient of determination is 85.77%, which means 85.77% of the variation in the number of errors made can be explained by the study time.