Fridays Ltd is a resident company. It provides cleaning services across the country. The following is available from its tax returns for the 2020 year of assessment.

Other relevant information:

  • The dividend was received from Z Ltd, a resident company where Fridays Ltd has 27% shares.

i) Compute the tax payable assuming its tax rate is 25%. (6 marks)
ii) Explain the treatment of the following:

  • Rental income (1 mark)
  • Dividend (1 mark)

i) Computation of Tax Payable for Fridays Ltd

ii) Treatment of Rental Income
Rental income is taxed as investment income, and withholding tax applies. For residential premises, the rate is 8%, and for commercial premises, the rate is 15%. This withholding tax is treated as final.
(1 mark)

Treatment of Dividend
Dividends paid by a resident entity to another resident entity are exempt from tax if the recipient holds at least 25% voting rights in the paying entity. In this case, since Fridays Ltd holds 27% of Z Ltd’s shares, the dividend is exempt from tax.
(1 mark)