Destitute Foundation Ghana (DFG) is a Non-Governmental Organisation established in 1980 with the mission of protecting and securing the economic and social interest of the underprivileged and vulnerables. Below is the trial balance as at 31 December, 2016.

i) It is the policy of management to prepare financial statements on a modified accrual basis. ii) The current chart of accounts of DFG has seven items of expenditure: compensation of employees, administration and general expenses, finance cost, legal cost, capital assets, project cost, and other expenses. iii) Under the current chart of accounts, income is classified as fund-raising, grants/supports, and fees and charges.

Required: a) Prepare Statement of Income and Expenditure for the year ended 31 December 2016, suitable for publication. (8 marks)

b) Prepare Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2016. (8 marks)

c) Disclose relevant notes to the accounts. (4 marks)

a) Statement of Income and Expenditure for the year ended 31 December 2016

c) Notes to the accounts

  1. Accounting policies
    • Financial statements are prepared on a modified accrual basis.
    • Capital assets are written off in the year of acquisition.
  2. Grants and support (GH¢ ’000)
    • International agencies: 2,200
    • Government of Ghana: 1,800
    • Other grants: 200
    • Total Grants and Support: 4,200
  3. Administration and General Expenses (GH¢ ’000)
    • Administration and general expenses: 2,100
    • General expenses: 1,700
    • Office rent: 200
    • Total Administration and General Expenses: 4,000
  4. Capital assets (GH¢ ’000)
    • Office equipment: 500
    • Motor vehicle: 1,300
    • Total Capital Assets: 1,800
  5. Project cost (GH¢ ’000)
    • Scholarship: 3,000
    • Boreholes: 4,400
    • Classroom blocks: 3,600
    • Total Project Cost: 11,000
  6. Accumulated Fund (GH¢ ’000)
    • Balance b/f: 2,000
    • Deficit: (7,270)
    • Total Accumulated Fund: (5,270)