Revenue control describes the various checks put in place to ensure that all moneys due are received and accounted for.

Required: Explain FOUR procedures established by Local Authorities to control revenue.

The Local Authorities control revenue through the following procedures:

  • Ensuring revenues are administered in compliance with relevant laws.
  • Maintaining a rating system to identify and regularly revise rateable persons and properties.
  • Ensuring that revenue collected is adequately protected while in custody and promptly deposited in bank accounts.
  • Ensuring all revenue received or receivable is properly recorded in the appropriate books of account.
  • Ensuring that there is a rating system in place to ensure that the Assembly’s rateable
    persons and properties within the Assembly area are identified and that a
    valuation list is maintained and revised regularly in accordance with Section
    96 (8) of the Local Government Act.
  • Ensuring that adequate procedures and operational systems are in place to capture all
    such public revenues;
  • Revenue Officers are required to prepare and sign Daily Collections
    Summaries (DCS);
  • Based on the DCS, revenue officers are required to prepare pay-in-slips and
    pay revenue collections intact into the District Assembly’s designated Bank