Additional information:
Fixed production overheads are budgeted to be GH¢40,000 per month for a budgeted monthly
production of 20,000 units. Production overheads are absorbed on a unit of production basis.
a) Using marginal costing principles, prepare a statement of profit or loss for the THREE (3)
months to September 2019. (10 marks)
b) Using absorption costing principles, prepare a statement of profit or loss for the THREE (3)
months to September 2019. (10 marks)


Workings (W):
W1. Computation of product cost per unit

Marginal Costing Absorption Costing
Direct material GH¢14 GH¢14
Direct labour GH¢4 GH¢4
Variable overheads GH¢2 GH¢2
Fixed overheads (W2) GH¢2
Total cost per unit GH¢20 GH¢22

W3. Over/ (Under) Absorption

Month July August September
GH¢’000 GH¢’000 GH¢’000
Overheads absorbed 30,000 32,000 24,000
Overheads incurred 40,000 40,000 40,000
Over/(under) absorption (10,000) (8,000) (16,000)
(All marks evenly spread for 10 marks using ticks)