The following data has been extracted from the operating records of QQQ Ltd for the last two quarters of the year to 31 December 2020:

Quarter 3 4
Production units 7,000 8,500
Sales units 5,500 9,500
Description Amount (GH¢)
Selling price per unit 100
Direct material cost per unit 20
Direct labour cost per unit 15
Variable overheads per unit 10
  • Fixed production overheads are budgeted at GH¢120,000 for a budgeted production of 8,000 units per quarter. These overheads are absorbed on a per unit of production basis.
  • Non-production overheads comprised:
    • Fixed administration expenses GH¢40,000 per quarter
    • Selling and distribution expenses 10% of sales

a) Prepare a statement of profit or loss for each quarter using the Marginal Costing technique. (10 marks)

b) Prepare a statement of profit or loss for each quarter using the Absorption Costing technique. (10 marks)

a) Marginal Costing Statement of Profit or Loss for the two Quarters to 31st December 2020

Quarter 3 4
Sales (W1) 550,000 950,000
Variable cost of goods sold:
Opening Inventory (67,500)
Production (W2) 315,000 382,500
Closing Inventory (67,500) (22,500)
Total Variable Production Cost 247,500 427,500
Non-Production Cost:
Selling & Dist. Cost 55,000 95,000
Total Variable Cost (302,500) (522,500)
Contribution 247,500 427,500
Fixed Costs:
Production 120,000 120,000
Non-production 40,000 40,000
Total Fixed Costs (160,000) (160,000)
Net profit 87,500 267,500

b) Absorption Costing Statement of Profit or Loss for the two Quarters to 31st December 2020

Quarter 3 4
Sales 550,000 950,000
Cost of Sales:
Opening Inventory (90,000)
Production 420,000 510,000
Closing Inventory (90,000) (30,000)
Total Cost of Sales 330,000 570,000
Gross Profit 220,000 380,000
Selling & Dist. 55,000 95,000
Admin. Expenses 40,000 40,000
Total Expenses (95,000) (135,000)
Over / (Under) Absorption (15,000) 7,500
Net Profit 110,000 252,500


  • Computation of Product Cost/unit
    • Marginal Costing
      • Direct Material Costs: GH¢20
      • Direct Labour: GH¢15
      • Variable Overheads: GH¢10
      • Total Product cost/unit: GH¢45
    • Absorption Costing
      • Direct Material Costs: GH¢20
      • Direct Labour: GH¢15
      • Variable Overheads: GH¢10
      • Fixed Overheads: GH¢15
      • Total Product cost/unit: GH¢60