WHYME LIMITED is engaged in the manufacturing and sales of fast-moving consumer products. The following data are projections for a period of six months:

Month Sales (N’000) Purchases (N’000) Salaries (N’000) Staff Salary Deductions (N’000) Overheads (N’000)
Jan 9,600 5,400 1,650 78 1,650
Feb 15,800 12,000 1,760 82 1,920
March 16,000 10,000 1,760 90 2,100
April 17,600 11,000 1,789 89 2,400
May 14,800 11,200 1,842 92 1,860
June 14,200 9,800 1,800 85 1,720

Other additional information:

  1. Sales are 25% on cash basis, 55% is collected in the month following sales, and the balance in the third month.
  2. All purchases are on 30 days credit while 20% of overheads are paid in the same month, with the balance in the following month.
  3. Net salaries will be paid in the same month, while statutory deductions are remitted on the 10th day of the following month.
  4. A N10 million loan will be released in March to finance the purchase of a new asset costing N12 million in the same month. The loan will be repaid equally over four months starting from April. (Ignore interest).
  5. An old asset will be disposed of in April for N1.5 million.
  6. Cash balance as at the end of February will be N6.5 million, with N2.5 million put into a short-term investment in March at a 2% monthly interest rate, credited at the beginning of the following month.

Prepare a cash budget for the period of March to May. (Ignore taxation).
(20 Marks)


March (N’000) April (N’000) May (N’000)
Sales Collections 14,610 16,360 16,580
Loan 10,000
Fixed Asset Disposal 1,500
Investment Income 50 50
Total Inflows (A) 24,610 17,910 16,630
Purchases 12,000 10,000 11,000
Salaries 1,670 1,700 1,750
Salaries Deductions 82 90 89
Overheads 1,956 2,160 2,292
Fixed Assets 12,000
Loan Repayment 2,500 2,500
Investment 2,500
Total Outflows (B) 30,208 16,450 17,631
Balance B/F 6,500 902 2,362
Net Cash Flow (A – B) (5,598) 1,460 1,001
Balance C/F 902 2,362 1,36

