Jungle Twist Ltd manufactures quality blocks for the housing industry in Ghana. It operates a standard marginal costing system. The following standard costs, volume, and revenue data for the quarter ending 31 October 2015 are provided:

Standard cost card:

  • Selling price: GH¢18 per block
  • Costs:
    • Direct material P: 3 kg at GH¢2.60 per kg
    • Direct material Q: 2 kg at GH¢2.50 per kg
    • Direct labour: 2 hours at GH¢0.60 per hour
    • Variable overheads: GH¢0.50 per direct labour hour
  • Budgeted sales for the quarter: 62,500 blocks
  • Variable overheads are absorbed at the rate of GH¢0.50 per direct labour hour.
  • Fixed production overhead for the quarter is estimated to be GH¢78,500.

The following actual results were recorded for the quarter just ended 31 October 2015:

  • Production: 60,000 blocks
  • Sales: 58,000 blocks
  • Selling price: GH¢17.00 per block
  • Direct material P: 150,000 kg were bought and used at GH¢360,000
  • Direct material Q: 109,000 kg were bought and used at GH¢327,000
  • Direct labour: 108,000 hours were worked for at a cost of GH¢90,400
  • Variable overheads: GH¢82,000
  • Fixed production overheads: GH¢80,000

Calculate the following variances for the quarter just ended 30 September 2015:

i) Sales volume and sales price variances; (3 marks)

ii) Price and usage variances for each material; (3 marks)

iii) Mix and yield variance for each material; (3 marks)

iv) Labour rate, labour efficiency, and idle time variances; (3 marks)

v) Variable overheads expenditure and variable overheads efficiency variances. (3 marks)

i) Sales Volume and Sales Price Variances:

  • Sales Volume Variance:
    Budgeted sales units: 62,500
    Actual sales units: 58,000
    Variance in units: 4,500A
    Standard contribution margin: GH¢3
    Variance: GH¢13,500A
  • Sales Price Variance:
    58,000 units should have been sold for (58,000 x GH¢18) = GH¢1,044,000
    But were sold for (58,000 x GH¢17) = GH¢986,000
    Variance: GH¢58,000A

ii) Price and Usage Variances for Each Material:

  • Material Price Variances:
    • Material P:
      Actual purchases should have cost (150,000 x GH¢2.60) = GH¢390,000
      But did cost GH¢360,000
      Variance: GH¢30,000F
    • Material Q:
      Actual purchases should have cost (109,000 x GH¢2.50) = GH¢272,500
      But did cost GH¢327,000
      Variance: GH¢54,500A
  • Material Usage Variances:
    • Material P:
      60,000 units should have used (60,000 x 3kg) = 180,000 kg
      But did cost 150,000 kg
      Variance: 30,000 kg F
      Standard price: GH¢2.60
      Variance: GH¢78,000F
    • Material Q:
      60,000 units should have used (60,000 x 2kg) = 120,000 kg
      But did cost 109,000 kg
      Variance: 11,000 kg F
      Standard price: GH¢2.50
      Variance: GH¢27,500F

iii) Mix and Yield Variance for Each Material:

  • Material Mix Variance:
Material Actual Materials in Standard Mix (kg) Actual Materials in Actual Mix (kg) Difference (kg) Standard Price (GH¢) Variance (GH¢)
P 155,400 150,000 5,400 F 2.60 14,040 F
Q 103,600 109,000 5,400 A 2.50 13,500 A
Total Variance: 540 F 540 F
  • Material Yield Variance:
Material Expected Output (units) Actual Output (units) Difference (units) Standard Yield Price (GH¢) Variance (GH¢)
P 30,000 36,000 6,000 F 2.56 15,360 F
Q 21,800 24,000 2,200 A 2.56 5,632 F
Total Variance: 20,992 F

iv) Labour Rate, Labour Efficiency, and Idle Time Variances:

  • Labour Rate Variance:
    108,000 hours should have cost (108,000 x GH¢0.60) = GH¢64,800
    But did cost GH¢90,400
    Variance: GH¢25,600A
  • Labour Efficiency Variance:
    60,000 units should have used (60,000 x 2hrs) = 120,000 hours
    But did cost 108,000 hours
    Variance: 12,000 hours F
    Standard price: GH¢0.60
    Variance: GH¢7,200F

v) Variable Overheads Expenditure and Efficiency Variances:

  • Variable Overheads Expenditure Variance:
    108,000 hours should have cost (108,000 x GH¢0.50) = GH¢54,000
    But did cost GH¢82,000
    Variance: GH¢28,000A
  • Variable Overheads Efficiency Variance:
    60,000 units should have used (60,000 x 2hrs) = 120,000 hours
    But did cost 108,000 hours
    Variance: 12,000 hours F
    Standard price: GH¢0.50
    Variance: GH¢6,000F

(Total: 15 marks)