Bosco Ltd makes and sells one product. Currently, it uses absorption costing to measure profits and inventory values. The budgeted production cost per unit is as follows:

Item Cost (GH¢)
Direct labour (3 hours at GH¢6 per hour) 18
Direct materials (4 kilograms at GH¢7 per kilo) 28
Production Overhead (Fixed cost) 20
Total Cost per Unit 66

Normal output volume is 16,000 units per year, and this volume is used to establish the fixed overhead absorption rate for each year. Costs relating to sales, distribution, and administration are:

  • Variable: 20% of sales value
  • Fixed: GH¢180,000 per year

There were no units of finished goods inventory on 1st October 2015. The fixed overhead expenditure is spread evenly throughout the year. The selling price per unit is GH¢140. For the two six-monthly periods detailed below, the number of units to be produced and sold are budgeted as follows:

Period Production (units) Sales (units)
Six months ending 31st March 2016 8,500 7,000
Six months ending 30th September 2016 7,000 8,000

The entity is considering whether to abandon absorption costing and use marginal costing instead for profit reporting and inventory valuation.


i) Calculate the budgeted fixed production overhead costs for each of the six-monthly periods. (3 marks)

ii) Prepare profit statements for management using:

  • Marginal costing
  • Absorption costing

(9 marks)

iii) Prepare an explanatory statement reconciling the profits under marginal costing with those of absorption costing.

(3 marks)

i) Budgeted Fixed Production Overhead Costs:

The budgeted fixed production overhead expenditure is calculated based on the normal output volume.

  • Normal production volume: 16,000 units per year
  • Fixed production overhead rate per unit: GH¢20
  • Total annual overhead cost: 16,000 units × GH¢20 = GH¢320,000
  • Fixed overhead per six-month period: GH¢320,000 / 2 = GH¢160,000

(3 marks)

ii) Profit Statements Using Marginal and Absorption Costing:

Marginal Costing Profit Statement:

Description Six months ending 31 March 2016 (GH¢) Six months ending 30 September 2016 (GH¢)
Sales (7,000 units @ GH¢140) 980,000 1,120,000
Less: Marginal Cost of Sales (7,000 units @ GH¢74) 518,000 592,000
Contribution 462,000 528,000
Less: Fixed Production Overheads 160,000 160,000
Less: Other Fixed Costs (Sales, Distribution, Admin) 90,000 90,000
Profit 212,000 278,000

Absorption Costing Profit Statement:

Description Six months ending 31 March 2016 (GH¢) Six months ending 30 September 2016 (GH¢)
Sales (7,000 units @ GH¢140) 980,000 1,120,000
Less: Cost of Sales (using absorption)
– Direct Costs (7,000 units @ GH¢66) 462,000 528,000
– Fixed Overhead Absorbed (Production) 170,000 (8,500 units @ GH¢20) 140,000 (7,000 units @ GH¢20)
Less: Under/(Over) Absorbed Overheads 10,000 (over-absorbed) (20,000) (under-absorbed)
Cost of Sales 518,000 572,000
Gross Profit 462,000 548,000
Less: Fixed Costs (Sales, Distribution, Admin) 286,000 314,000
Profit 242,000 258,000

(9 marks)

iii) Reconciliation of Profits Under Marginal and Absorption Costing:

The differences in reported profits between marginal costing and absorption costing arise from the treatment of fixed production overheads and changes in inventory levels.

Period Difference
Six months ending 31 March 2016 Increase in inventory (1,500 units × GH¢20) = GH¢30,000
Six months ending 30 September 2016 Decrease in inventory (1,000 units × GH¢20) = (GH¢20,000)


  • 31 March 2016: Absorption costing profit higher by GH¢30,000
  • 30 September 2016: Absorption costing profit lower by GH¢20,000

(3 marks)