MM Company Ltd., a manufacturer of groundnut paste, wishes to know whether it is advisable to stick to its economic orders or accept a special order from a foreign supplier for the supply of groundnuts. The following information has been provided:

  • Purchase price per bag of groundnut: GH¢360
  • Holding cost per annum is 10% of the cost of a bag of groundnut
  • Ordering cost per annum: GH¢7.7
  • Annual demand of groundnut paste: 6,000 bags
  • Normal usage per month: 520 bags
  • Minimum usage per month: 500 bags
  • Maximum usage per month: 700 bags


i) The foreign supplier promises a reduction in the price of a bag of groundnut by 8% if MM Company is willing to order 3,000 units each time it wants to order. Advise MM.
(10 marks)

ii) What is the difference between a bin card and a store ledger card?
(3 marks)


i) Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and Cost Analysis:

  1. Calculate EOQ:

    EOQ=2×D×SH\text{EOQ} = \sqrt{\frac{2 \times D \times S}{H}}Where:

    • D=6,000D = 6,000 bags (Annual Demand)
    • S=GH¢7.7S = GH¢7.7 (Ordering Cost)
    • H=10%×GH¢360=GH¢36H = 10\% \times GH¢360 = GH¢36 (Holding Cost)

    EOQ=2×6,000×7.736≈51.67 bags (rounded up to 52 bags)\text{EOQ} = \sqrt{\frac{2 \times 6,000 \times 7.7}{36}} \approx 51.67 \text{ bags (rounded up to 52 bags)}

  2. Total Material Cost Using EOQ:

    Total Cost=Purchase Cost+Ordering Cost+Holding Cost\text{Total Cost} = \text{Purchase Cost} + \text{Ordering Cost} + \text{Holding Cost} Total Cost=(6,240×360)+(6,24052×7.7)+(522×36)\text{Total Cost} = (6,240 \times 360) + \left(\frac{6,240}{52} \times 7.7\right) + \left(\frac{52}{2} \times 36\right) Total Cost=2,246,400+924+936=GH¢2,248,260.00\text{Total Cost} = 2,246,400 + 924 + 936 = GH¢2,248,260.00

  3. Total Material Cost if Foreign Supplier’s Offer is Accepted:

    Total Cost=(6,000×0.92×360)+(6,0003,000×7.7)+(3,0002×0.92×36)\text{Total Cost} = (6,000 \times 0.92 \times 360) + \left(\frac{6,000}{3,000} \times 7.7\right) + \left(\frac{3,000}{2} \times 0.92 \times 36\right) Total Cost=1,987,200+15.4+49,680=GH¢2,036,895.40\text{Total Cost} = 1,987,200 + 15.4 + 49,680 = GH¢2,036,895.40

Decision: It is advisable to accept the order from the foreign supplier because it results in cost savings of GH¢211,364.60 (GH¢2,248,260.00 – GH¢2,036,895.40).

ii) Difference between a Bin Card and a Store Ledger Card:

  1. Bin Card: A bin card is a record kept in the store that shows the quantity of inventory for each item. It records the receipts and issues of inventory but does not include valuation. It is usually maintained by the storekeeper.
  2. Store Ledger Card: A store ledger card is maintained by the cost accountant and records both the quantities and values of receipts, issues, and the balance of inventory items. It provides a complete financial record of inventory movement.