Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) is the fundamental redesign of workflows and business processes within an organisation. BPR aims to streamline operations, improve outcomes, cut costs, and drive growth in business processes.

Explain THREE (3) conditions that may empower employees and junior managers to make operational decisions under BPR.

Conditions that Empower Employees and Junior Managers in BPR:

  1. Access to Information:
    Employees need immediate access to relevant data and information to make informed decisions in real time. Access to performance metrics and operational data helps employees understand their impact on overall organizational performance.
  2. Training and Development:
    Junior managers and employees without a strong financial or managerial background should be provided with adequate training. This equips them with the skills and knowledge necessary to make sound operational decisions in line with the organization’s goals.
  3. Simplified Decision-Making Tools:
    Accounting and operational information should be simplified and presented in a way that is easy to understand. This allows employees to interpret financial and non-financial data quickly and accurately, enabling them to take initiative in decision-making without excessive oversight.

(Any 3 points @ 1.667 marks each = 5 marks)