Odjani Plc (Odjani) negotiates with major local and international airlines to purchase tickets at reduced rates compared with the price of tickets sold directly by the airlines to the public. Odjani agrees to buy a specific number of tickets and must pay for those tickets regardless of whether it is able to resell them. The reduced rate paid by Odjani for each ticket purchased is negotiated and agreed in advance. Odjani determines the prices at which the airline tickets will be sold to its customers. Odjani sells the tickets and collects the consideration from customers when the tickets are purchased. The entity also assists the customers in resolving complaints with the service provided by the airlines. However, each airline is responsible for fulfilling obligations associated with the ticket, including remedies to a customer for dissatisfaction with the service.

In line with IFRS 15: Revenue from Contracts with Customers, explain whether Odjani is a principal or agent and indicate how it would determine the amount of revenue to recognize from the ticket sales.

Under IFRS 15, the determination of whether an entity is acting as a principal or an agent is based on who controls the goods or services before they are transferred to the customer.

  1. Principal vs Agent Assessment:
    • Principal: An entity is a principal if it controls the goods or services before they are transferred to the customer. As a principal, Odjani would recognize revenue at the gross amount received from the customer.
    • Agent: An entity is an agent if it arranges for another party to provide the goods or services to the customer. The agent would recognize revenue as the net amount (i.e., the difference between what it receives from the customer and what it pays to the supplier).
  2. Odjani’s Role:
    • Odjani negotiates and purchases tickets in advance and assumes the risk of payment whether or not the tickets are resold. This indicates that Odjani controls the tickets before transferring them to customers.
    • Additionally, Odjani has the discretion to set the selling price for the tickets, which further suggests that Odjani is acting as the principal in the arrangement.
    • Although the airline fulfills the service obligations (i.e., providing the flight), Odjani’s control over the tickets and pricing means it is acting as a principal.
  3. Revenue Recognition:
    • Since Odjani is acting as a principal, it should recognize the gross amount received from customers as revenue.
    • The costs associated with purchasing the tickets from the airlines would be recognized as expenses, separate from the revenue recognized.