Partey Ltd is a company engaged in continuous casting and cold rolling of aluminum products in Ghana. The company has been in operation for several decades, and its operations did not change in the year ended 31 December 2021.

Below are financial statements for the years 2021 and 2020:

Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income

2021 (GH¢000) 2020 (GH¢000)
Revenue 389,507 445,963
Cost of sales (240,731) (237,345)
Gross profit 148,776 208,618
Other income 19,315 10,983
Distribution costs (76,366) (108,137)
Administrative expenses (74,520) (46,216)
Operating profit 17,205 65,248
Finance cost (21,287) (21,537)
Profit before tax (4,082) 43,711
Tax expense (16,521)
Profit for the year (4,082) 27,190

Statement of Financial Position

2021 (GH¢000) 2020 (GH¢000)
Non-current assets:
Property, plant and equipment 196,784 183,190
Investment securities 137 348
Total non-current assets 196,921 183,538
Current assets:
Inventories 50,400 66,351
Trade receivables 23,769 27,688
Other receivables 9,343 1,833
Cash and cash equivalents 45,969 20,699
Total current assets 129,481 116,571
Total assets 326,402 300,109
Equity and Liabilities:
Stated capital 10,000 10,000
Retained earnings 124,575 111,676
Total equity 134,575 121,676
Non-current liabilities:
15% Loan notes 8,580 10,247
20% Loan notes (NGIC Pension Fund) 100,000 100,000
Total non-current liabilities 108,580 110,247
Current liabilities:
Trade payables 80,182 65,082
Current tax 3,104
Accrued expenses 3,065
Total current liabilities 83,247 68,186
Total equity and liabilities 326,402 300,109


a) As the Finance Manager of Partey Ltd, you have been tasked by the Board of Directors to produce a report. Assess the performance of the company over time based on profitability, liquidity, efficiency, and gearing.
(Note: Your report should include TWO (2) ratios each of profitability, liquidity, efficiency, and gearing).
(16 marks)

b) Management of the company wants to achieve improvement in technology and production processes to stimulate growth. However, this will require further injection of funds and less strain on operating cash flows. To achieve this, the Board of Directors of the company has resolved to convince the company’s largest debtholder, NGIC Pension Fund, to exercise the conversion right attached to the debt. The total value of the debt included in the financial statements for both financial years is GH¢100 million. The debt was issued at a coupon rate of 20% per annum. The annual coupon payments are also included in the financial statements above for both financial years. NGIC Pension Fund is also the second-largest shareholder of the company.

The estimated tax expense on the company’s profit for the year ended 31 December 2021, if the debt owed to NGIC Pension Fund is converted, is GH¢3.172 million. Current tax liability at 31 December 2021 is expected to increase by the same amount.

Assess the performance of the company for the year ended 31 December 2021 upon conversion of the debt owed to NGIC Pension Fund on 1 January 2021 at its carrying amount.
(4 marks)

a) Performance Evaluation of Partey Ltd

  • Profitability Ratios:
    • Gross profit margin = (148,776 / 389,507) x 100 = 38.2% (2021); 46.78% (2020)
    • Return on equity = (Profit after tax / Equity) x 100 = (-4,082 / 134,575) x 100 = -3.03% (2021); 22.35% (2020)
  • Liquidity Ratios:
    • Current ratio = Current assets / Current liabilities = 129,481 / 83,247 = 1.56:1 (2021); 1.71:1 (2020)
    • Acid-test ratio = (Current assets – Inventories) / Current liabilities = (129,481 – 50,400) / 83,247 = 0.95:1 (2021); 0.73:1 (2020)
  • Efficiency Ratios:
    • Trade receivable days = (Trade receivables / Revenue) x 365 = (23,769 / 389,507) x 365 = 22.28 days (2021); 22.63 days (2020)
    • Inventory turnover = Cost of sales / Inventories = 240,731 / 50,400 = 4.77 times (2021); 3.58 times (2020)
  • Gearing Ratios:
    • Debt to equity ratio = (Long-term debt / Equity) x 100 = (108,580 / 134,575) x 100 = 80.68% (2021); 90.61% (2020)
    • Interest cover ratio = Operating profit / Interest expense = 17,205 / 21,287 = 0.81 times (2021); 3.03 times (2020)

(16 marks)

b) Performance upon conversion of debt:

Upon conversion of the GH¢100 million convertible debt:

  • Profit after tax: GH¢(-4,082,000 + 20,000,000 – 3,172,000) = GH¢12,746,000
  • Return on equity: (12,746 / 134,575) x 100 = 9.47%
  • Current ratio: 129,481 / (83,247 + 3,172) = 1.50:1
  • Debt to equity ratio: (8,580 / 234,575) x 100 = 3.66%
  • Interest cover ratio: 17,205 / (21,287 – 20,000) = 13.37 times

The company’s ability to cover its remaining interest payments is now much stronger, with an interest cover ratio of 13.37 times.

(4 marks)