FB Logistics has been clearing containers from the port of Tema over the past seven years. Management is aware that the business has been facing seasonal fluctuations but there is no scientific basis for the determination of such variations that can be used to predict future revenue.

As a newly engaged Cost Accountant, you have been provided with some past quarterly performance over a three-year period. Details of the performance are shown below:

Year 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
1 120 140 160 180
2 180 160 185 210
3 150 200 230 220

Using quarterly moving average, calculate the seasonal variation for the company. (15 marks)

b) Standards as used in performance measurement are norms or benchmarks set for comparison purposes in performance evaluation.

Explain FIVE (5) uses of standard costing. (5 marks)

a) Calculation of Seasonal Variation Using Moving Averages

Year Sales Moving total Mid-point Average (trend) Variation
(1st) 120
(2nd) 140
(3rd) 160 600 150 -10
(4th) 180 630 157.5 22.5
(5th) 180 660 165 15
(6th) 160 670 167.5 -7.5
(7th) 185 680 170 15
(8th) 210 692.5 173.13 36.87
(9th) 150 720 180 -30
(10th) 200 735 183.75 16.25
(11th) 230
(12th) 220
Summary of Variations
Year Q1 Q2 Q3
1 -10 22.5 15
2 -7.5 -30 36.87
3 0 15 16.25
Average -5.83 2.5 22.04

b) Uses of Standard Costing

  1. Profit Planning: Helps in forecasting the costs and establishing targets for future performance.
  2. Profit Measurement: Facilitates the measurement of profitability by comparing actual costs with standard costs.
  3. Performance Assessment: Aids in evaluating the performance of different departments and managers.
  4. Cost Control and Management: Acts as a control tool by identifying variances and enabling corrective actions.
  5. Employee Reward Schemes: Provides a basis for incentive schemes and bonuses linked to performance.

(Any 5 points at 1 mark each = 5 marks)