At a recent board meeting of a multinational company, there was a heated debate on whether the company should continue to invest resources in strategic planning processes. A section of the board members believed that it is worth investing, whilst the other section opposed that decision because they considered such an activity as a waste of resources.

Your task is to state:

a) FIVE reasons why you think the company must continue to invest in the strategic planning process. (10 marks)

b) FIVE reasons why it might not be necessary for the company to invest in the strategic planning process. (10 marks)

a) Reasons for continuing to invest in the strategic planning process:

  • Risk reduction: Strategic planning helps the company reduce the risks associated with its operations by considering various factors.
  • Reduction of uncertainty: It reduces uncertainty as personnel will know the results expected of them.
  • Realistic targets: The company can set achievable targets by considering its strengths and weaknesses before setting such targets.
  • Guidance: Strategic planning serves as a guide in the operations of the company.
  • Commitment: It helps gain loyalty and commitment from employees as they will be involved in the planning process.
    (Any 5 x 2 marks = 10 marks)

b) Reasons against investing in the strategic planning process:

  • Waste of time: The company may consider it a waste of time due to the extensive time involved in the planning process.
  • Fear of failure: There may be a fear that the strategic planning process will fail.
  • Lack of expertise: The company might not have the personnel with the expertise to undertake strategic planning.
  • Complacency: The company may be satisfied with its current performance and see no need to plan.
  • Uncertainty: The fast-changing future might render the planning process unnecessary.
    (Any 5 x 2 marks = 10 marks)

Grand total: 20 marks