a) Privatisation can refer to the act of transferring ownership of specified property or business operations from a government organisation to a privately owned entity, as well as the transition of ownership from a publicly traded, or owned, company to a privately owned company.

i) Describe THREE potential benefits of privatisation. (3 marks)
ii) State THREE disadvantages of privatisation.

(3 marks)

i) Potential benefits of privatisation:

  1. Improved Efficiency: Private companies have a profit incentive to cut costs and be more efficient.
  2. Lack of Political Interference: Governments are often poor economic managers, influenced by political pressures rather than sound economic and business sense.
  3. Increased Competition: Often occurs alongside deregulation, allowing more firms to enter the industry and increase market competitiveness.

ii) Disadvantages of privatisation:

  1. Does Not Necessarily Increase Competition: Whether competition increases depends on the nature of the market.
  2. One-off Sale Proceeds: The government loses out on future dividends from the profits of public companies.
  3. Potential Exploitation: Private companies may exploit the public, leading to higher costs and lower standards.