One of the most important resources Management of an organization requires in order to make meaningful decisions is credible information which has often been wrongly referred to as data.

i) Distinguish between data and information.
(2 marks)
ii) Explain FOUR (4) essential qualities of information.
(8 marks)

i) Distinguishing Between Data and Information:

  • Data:
    Data consists of raw, unprocessed facts and figures that have little or no meaning on their own. Examples include numbers, dates, and strings of text that require processing to become useful. (1 mark)
  • Information:
    Information is data that has been processed, organized, or structured in a way that makes it meaningful and useful for decision-making. Information provides context and answers questions, thereby supporting management in making informed decisions. (1 mark)

ii) Essential Qualities of Information:

  1. Accuracy:
    Information must be reliable and free from errors. Accurate information ensures that decisions are based on correct data, leading to effective outcomes. Accuracy involves having the right data at the right level of detail. (2 marks)
  2. Timeliness:
    Information should be available when needed. Timeliness means providing information at the right time to support decision-making processes. Even accurate information loses its value if it is not provided in time. (2 marks)
  3. Completeness:
    Complete information includes all relevant data necessary for a decision. Incomplete information can lead to poor decisions as it might overlook critical factors. Completeness ensures that no important detail is missing. (2 marks)
  4. Understandability:
    Information should be presented in a format that is easy to understand by the intended user. Understandable information ensures that users can correctly interpret and use the data to make decisions. This involves clear presentation, appropriate language, and proper structuring of the information. (2 marks)