The emergence of globalization has resulted in some small and large businesses operating as virtual organizations.


Explain to your study mates the nature of this organizational type and state FOUR (4) benefits associated with it.

Nature of Virtual Organizations:

A virtual organization is any organization that outsources most of the key functions performed in the organization while maintaining a small core activity. Most virtual organizations conduct their operations electronically, with the organization’s website containing the database of information about suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders.
(2 marks)

Advantages of a Virtual Organization:

  1. Reduced Costs:
    A virtual organization has reduced operational expenses because it incurs minimal administrative expenses.
    (2 marks)
  2. Fewer Employees:
    A virtual organization requires fewer employees, leading to minimal salaries and fewer human resource problems to manage.
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  3. Access to Specialists:
    A virtual organization can access people with the needed expertise from around the globe, offering superior and better services to its clients.
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  4. Instant and Effective Communication:
    The development of strong Internet connectivity provides an effective communication network for the virtual organization, enabling it to offer excellent services to customers.
    (2 marks)