a. Conflict usually has a negative impact on the effectiveness of an organization.
i. Explain SIX causes of conflict in an organization. (6 Marks)
ii. Explain FOUR characteristics of conflict. (4 Marks)

a. Causes of Conflict:

  1. Resource Scarcity: Limited resources such as budget, equipment, or manpower can lead to conflicts when multiple departments or individuals compete for the same resources.
  2. Personality Differences: Conflicts can arise when employees have different personal styles or approaches to tasks, leading to disagreements.
  3. Goal Incompatibility: Conflicting goals between departments or individuals, such as when the goals of one department hinder the objectives of another.
  4. Unclear Job Roles: Lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities can result in employees stepping into each other’s tasks, causing friction.
  5. Communication Problems: Poor communication or misunderstandings between team members or departments can lead to conflicts.
  6. Power Struggles: Competition for authority or leadership positions within the organization can generate conflict.

Characteristics of Conflict:

  1. Tension: Conflict often creates tension between individuals or groups within the organization.
  2. Disruption: Conflicts can lead to a breakdown in communication or collaboration, disrupting normal workflow.
  3. Resistance: Individuals or groups may resist decisions or instructions from others, leading to a standoff.
  4. Emotional Responses: Conflicts often invoke emotional responses such as anger, frustration, or anxiety.