a. Define the term “Self-efficacy”. (2 Marks)

b. Briefly explain FOUR ways in which self-efficacy impacts human functions. (8 Marks)

c. Briefly explain the following concepts:
i. Management by objectives (MBO);
ii. Intrinsic rewards;
iii. Unity of direction;
iv. Communication style;
v. Queuing theory. (10 Marks)

a. Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s own ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish a task. It plays a major role in how individuals approach goals, tasks, and challenges.

b. Ways in which self-efficacy impacts human functions:

  1. Motivation: Individuals with high self-efficacy are more motivated to take on challenges and persist in their efforts to achieve goals.
  2. Thought Patterns: High self-efficacy enhances positive thinking and the perception of tasks as challenges rather than threats.
  3. Emotional Reactions: Those with high self-efficacy are likely to remain calm under pressure and handle stress effectively.
  4. Behavioral Choices: People with high self-efficacy are more likely to engage in difficult tasks and set higher goals for themselves.

c. Concepts:
i. Management by Objectives (MBO): A management technique where employees and managers agree on specific objectives that must be achieved within a set timeframe.
ii. Intrinsic Rewards: Internal rewards that come from the satisfaction of completing a task or achieving a goal, such as personal fulfillment or a sense of accomplishment.
iii. Unity of Direction: This principle states that all activities in an organization should be aligned and directed toward the same objectives.
iv. Communication Style: The manner in which individuals convey messages and engage in communication, including verbal, non-verbal, written, and listening styles.
v. Queuing Theory: A mathematical approach used to analyze the waiting times in queues, optimizing processes in areas like telecommunications and customer service to reduce delays and increase efficiency.