Following flood damage as a result of three (3) continuous days of rainfall, the Management of Adusa Confectionery Ltd, carefully sprinkled sawdust over the factory floor to prevent employees’ slippage until the floor could be properly cleared. A small patch remained uncovered and Mary Ansah, a pregnant employee, slipped and got injured. She sued the company.

Explain whether the employee can claim any damages against the management of Adusa Confectionery Ltd.
(10 marks)


Section 9 of the Labour Act, 2003, Act 651 states the duties of the employer. Specifically, Section 9(c) states:

“Take all practicable steps to ensure that the worker is free from risk of personal injury or damage to his/her health during and in the course of the worker’s employment or while lawfully on the employer’s premises.”

  • In this case, the issue is whether the employer was reasonable or negligent in not providing a safe environment for the employees.
  • The situation that led to the slip of Mary Ansah, resulting in her injury, was unexpected due to three days of continuous rainfall.
  • The management of Adusa Confectionery Ltd, as an interim measure, sprinkled sawdust on the floor to prevent any slippage, although a small portion was not covered by the sawdust.
  • There is no evidence that prior to the downpour, the factory floor had been unsafe due to negligence by the management of Adusa Confectionery Ltd.
  • Therefore, it is not arguable that the management in this instance breached Section 9(c) of Act 651 and is liable for negligence under common law.
  • Given the circumstances, the employer did not act unreasonably or negligently in breach of Section 9(c) of Act 651.
  • As a result, Mary Ansah is not likely to succeed in any action against the management.

(4 points for 2.5 marks each = 10 marks)