The use of debt for a country’s financing has engaged the attention of economists and also the ordinary man in the interest regarding its impact on our economy. While some prefer domestic debt, others are making a case for foreign debts as part of government’s fiscal policy.
What are the benefits to a government for going in for a foreign debt as opposed to going in for domestic debt as a support to the revenue base from taxes? (6 marks)

The benefits of foreign debt as opposed to domestic debt are as follows:

  • More inflows from foreign sources to support national development.
  • The private sector can borrow locally to expand businesses as they have no competition from the government.
  • Government can carry out its projects successfully as loans from foreign sources can be acquired in larger amounts.
  • Loans from foreign sources can be used to support local firms that might not be able to acquire such loans due to lack of collateral or poor credit ratings.
  • Borrowing from foreign sources leaves more liquidity in the domestic economy for locals to spend, boosting economic activity.