Talantula Ltd has engaged you as an ICAG final level candidate on the options that would provide enormous benefits to them and also to the government. The two options are:

  • To manufacture ceramics using both local and foreign materials. The products will be sold locally and on the international market.
  • To import finished ceramics for sale in Ghana.

Evaluate FIVE (5) tax benefits of either of the business options you will want them to associate with over the other.

Tax benefits of manufacturing ceramics using local and foreign materials over importing finished ceramics include:

  1. Locational tax incentive: Manufacturing entities located outside Accra and Tema receive tax rebates.
    • Accra/Tema: 25%
    • Regional Capitals: 18.75%
    • Other areas: 12.50%
  2. Fresh Graduate Incentive: Manufacturing companies can receive additional tax deductions based on employing fresh graduates.
    • Up to 1% of fresh graduates in the total workforce: 10% deduction on wages and salaries paid to fresh graduates.
    • Between 1% and 5% of fresh graduates: 30% deduction.
    • More than 5%: 50% deduction.
  3. Carry-over of losses: Manufacturing companies are allowed to carry forward tax losses for up to 5 years, reducing their tax burden in future profitable years.
  4. Customs Rebates: Manufacturers can register with Customs to receive duty rebates on imported raw materials used in production.
  5. Zero-rated exports: Manufacturing entities that export their products benefit from zero-rated VAT, making their exports more competitive internationally.
  6. No capital restrictions for foreign investors: Manufacturing in Ghana has no limitations on capital requirements for foreigners, unlike importation businesses.
  7. Claimable Input VAT: Manufacturers are eligible to claim back input VAT on raw materials used in production, enhancing cash flow.
(Any 5 points @ 2 marks each = 10 marks)