b) As a trading company, Joewoka exports and imports merchandise in many countries for which it receives and makes payment in foreign currency. This exposes the company to foreign exchange risk.

As a Financial Consultant to the company, suggest FOUR approaches that the company can use to hedge against foreign exchange exposure. (5 marks)

Approaches to Hedge Against Foreign Exchange Risk:

  1. Forward Contract
    • A contract made with a bank to buy/sell currency at a predetermined rate on a specific future date. This method fixes the exchange rate, thus providing certainty.
      (1 mark)
  2. Future Contract
    • Similar to forward contracts, but futures are standardized and traded on exchanges. They help companies hedge currency risk by locking in exchange rates for specific future transactions.
      (1 mark)
  3. Lead/Lag Payments
    • Payments for goods/services can be expedited (lead) or delayed (lag) to benefit from favorable exchange rate movements. By adjusting payment timing, companies can minimize currency losses.
      (1 mark)
  4. Currency Options
    • Provides the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell (put) a currency at an agreed rate within a set time. It allows companies to hedge risks while benefiting from favorable rate movements.
      (1 mark)
  5. Natural Hedging
    • Involves offsetting foreign currency exposures by matching foreign currency revenues and costs. For example, revenues in one currency can be used to pay liabilities in the same currency.
      (1 mark)