Question Tag: Workplace Safety

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A fishing boat manufacturing company at Elmina intends to expand its business and has decided to locate another production facility at Winneba.

Explain FIVE (5) health and safety measures to facilitate a working environment devoid of accidents for the company’s employees. (10 marks)

Health and Safety Measures to Prevent Accidents

  1. Effective employee resourcing:
    The company must structure its people resourcing strategy to ensure that the right people with the right skills are employed to fill vacant positions.
  2. Establish safety policy:
    The company must establish a health and safety policy to guide all employees in the dispensation of their assigned responsibilities. Such a policy must emphasize the company’s desire to have an accident-free working environment.
  3. Reduce job overload:
    Employees must be assigned with moderate work responsibilities. This ensures that employees are able to dispense their work within the appropriate time duration without the need for rushing to beat time or schedules.
  4. Risk assessment:
    The company must also conduct regular risk assessments for all jobs and assignments. Such an assessment would enable the management of the company to easily identify all risks associated with all jobs and implement necessary preventive measures.
  5. Constant review:
    There should be constant review of all protective and preventive measures. This would determine whether protective and preventive measures implemented are working according to plans, and where deviations are identified, corrective measures should be put in place.
  6. Safety training:
    Employees should be given regular safety training to ensure they understand and adhere to safety practices and procedures, reducing the likelihood of accidents.
  7. Proper maintenance of equipment:
    All machinery and equipment should be regularly maintained to ensure they are in safe working condition, preventing malfunctions that could lead to accidents.
  8. Emergency procedures:
    Clear and effective emergency procedures should be established, communicated, and regularly drilled to ensure all employees know how to respond to emergencies quickly and safely.

(8 points @ 1.25 marks each = 10 marks)

Just as every employee in Ghana is guaranteed certain rights under Section 10 of the Labour Act 2003, Act 651, his or her duties are also clearly specified under Section 11 of the Act.

Required: Explain FIVE (5) duties of an employee. (10 marks)

Duties of an Employee

  • Every employee is required to report for work regularly and punctually.
  • It is the duty of an employee to work conscientiously in his lawfully chosen occupation.
  • The employee is required by law to protect the interest of his employer and the business.
  • An employee must take proper care of the property of the employer entrusted to him or under his immediate control.
  • The worker is under obligation to take all reasonable care not only for his own safety but also for the health and safety of his fellow employees.
  • He is required to exercise due care in the performance of his assigned duties.
  • The employee is expected to obey lawful instructions regarding the business and the execution of his work.

Organisations are investing large sums of money in systems and procedures in their attempt to ensure safe and healthy working environments for their employees. This is because a breach of any legal or other obligation in that regard can lead to severe consequences.

Required: Explain FIVE (5) responsibilities of an employer as far as the health and safety of its employees are concerned. (10 marks)

Duties of Employer in Ensuring Health and Safety of Employees i) Every employee is required by law to ensure that employees work under satisfactory, safe and healthy environment.

ii) Employers are under obligation to provide and maintain at the workplace plants and systems of work that are safe and without risk to the health of employees and clients.

iii) The employer is expected to ensure the safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.

iv) It is the duty of en employer to take steps to prevent contamination of the workplace by, and protect workers from, toxic gases, harmful substances, dust, fumes or materials that can cause risk to the safety and health of employees.

v) The employer must supply and maintain adequate safety appliances, suitable fire- fighting equipment, personal protective equipment and educate employees in the use of appliances and equipment.

vi) It is an obligation of every employer to provide adequate supply of clean drinking water at the workplace.

vii) The employer is required by law to provide separate, sufficient and suitable toilet and washing facilities and adequate facilities for the storage, changing, drying and cleaning from contamination of clothing for male and female workers.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic caused many organisations to be more concerned about the health and safety of their employees.


Explain FIVE (5) reasons for this concern.

Reasons for Concern about Employee Health and Safety:

  1. Sustaining and Increasing Productivity:
    Organizations should be concerned about the health and safety of their employees to maintain and increase productivity levels. Healthy and safe employees can perform to the best of their abilities.
    (2 marks)
  2. Cost Reduction:
    Organizations can reduce operational expenses by implementing preventive measures that protect employees from diseases and accidents, leading to long-term cost savings.
    (2 marks)
  3. Image Protection:
    Concern for employee health and safety helps protect the organization’s image. Frequent injuries or exposure to diseases can lead to negative public perceptions.
    (2 marks)
  4. Avoiding Litigation and Fines:
    By ensuring the health and safety of employees, organizations can avoid potential litigation and fines resulting from workplace injuries or accidents.
    (2 marks)
  5. Attracting the Best Talent:
    Organizations that prioritize employee health and safety are more likely to attract top talent, as prospective employees seek workplaces with safe and healthy environments.
    (2 marks)