Question Tag: Trading with Ghana

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XYZ Parks Ltd, an Italian Company, had a contract for the construction of a fuel depot in Ghana. It was clear from the contract agreement that the production and fabrication costing $500,000 would be carried out outside Ghana. The installation works in Ghana and related services would cost $200,000 and GH¢2,400,000 respectively.

XYZ Parks Ltd has asked of your professional advice on the above transaction.

i) What is the tax implication of trading in Ghana and trading with Ghana? (4 marks)
ii) What will be your professional advice to XYZ Parks Ltd on the tax implication of other contract? (6 marks)

i) Tax implication of trading in Ghana and trading with Ghana:

Trading in Ghana is having presence in Ghana, doing business in Ghana and making profits in Ghana. Trading in Ghana is taxable in Ghana while trading with Ghana is not having presence in Ghana and not doing business in Ghana. Trading with Ghana is not taxable in Ghana.

ii) Tax implication of XYZ Park Co contract for fuel depot in Ghana:

Production and Fabrication works – $500,000. This work is to be carried out outside Ghana. Therefore, permanent establishment cannot be established in Ghana. The income therefore not liable to tax in Ghana.

Installation Work and related service $200,000 and GH¢2,400,000 respectively.

  • Installation site is in Ghana. This will serve as a permanent establishment for the performance of the work in Ghana.
  • Related services will also be performed in Ghana and therefore will constitute a permanent establishment for XYZ Park in Ghana.
  • If there is double tax agreement (i.e. tax treaty) between Ghana and the country of residence of XYZ Park, Ghana tax will apply to both the installation works and related service and appropriate relief provided.

Trolex Ltd was incorporated in the United Kingdom. It manufactures watches for sale only in the Asian Markets. The company is a success story from its commercial enterprise in its production of “wonder watches.”

Vielo Ltd, a locally incorporated company with 4 shareholders, scanned the environment with the bid to start a business that would make it successful. The management of Vielo Ltd heard of the “wonder watches” sold by Trolex Ltd. Consequently, the management of Vielo Ltd placed an order for 10 million watches from Trolex Ltd. From the analysis, Trolex Ltd would make £600,000 from this transaction as profit. The sales value to be transferred to Trolex Ltd by Vielo Ltd amounts to £900 million.

The management of Vielo Ltd has written to the Kaneshie Office of the Ghana Revenue Authority on the tax implication of the payment.

Advise the Commissioner-General through the office manager on the tax implication of the profit and the transfer payment.

From the available information, Trolex Ltd is not trading in Ghana but with Ghana. The profit generated from the transaction and the payment transferred are not subject to tax in Ghana. Vielo Ltd approached Trolex Ltd for the purchase of the wonder watches, and there is no indication that Trolex Ltd has any presence in Ghana that would make it liable to taxation in Ghana.

Both the profit (£600,000) and the amount transferred (£900 million) are not liable to tax in Ghana.
(4 marks)