Question Tag: Total Quality Management

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Your company has implemented a Total Quality Management approach (TQM), but this has been resisted by most of the employees. State THREE reasons that might have accounted for such resistance. (6 marks)

  • Lack of consistency of purpose: There may be a lack of consistency of purpose for the implementation of the total quality management concept.
  • Overemphasis on short-term benefits: If there is too much emphasis on short-term benefits for implementing TQM, it may lead to resistance.
  • Inadequate preparation and training: If management fails to prepare the employees through training before the implementation takes place, this can lead to resistance.

(Any 3 x 2 marks = 6 marks)

Both manufacturing and service organisations are making increasing use of Total Quality Management (TQM) in their attempt to achieve operational efficiency. However, its implementation has been met with some form of resistance from employees who do not seem to fully appreciate the concept.

Required: i) Explain Total Quality Management (TQM). (2 marks) ii) Outline FOUR (4) conditions which must prevail for the successful implementation of the Total Quality Management (TQM) concept. (8 marks)

i) Explanation of Total Quality Management (TQM) Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management philosophy involving all organizational members in a continual effort to improve upon quality of goods and services and achieve customer satisfaction. (2 marks)

ii) Conditions/Guidelines for Implementing TQM

  • Management should demonstrate top down commitment and involvement approach in order to get all workers to participate in the implementation of the programme.
  • Employees must be properly trained and given the required resources to facilitate the effective implementation of the system.
  • Management must determine and communicate critical measurement factors which can be used to monitor the progress of the programme.
  • Teamwork should be instituted and emphasized by management to ensure the successful implementation of TQM.
  • Management should periodically make known to employees the success of the programme to act as motivator to employees.
  • The costs of quality and routes to improvement must be identified to enhance the successful implementation of the programme.
  • Management must offer rewards for contribution towards the success of the programme.

Plant layout has been described as the arrangement of machines in such a manner that will facilitate production efficiency. An organization might adopt a particular method or a combination of methods depending on the nature of its operations.

Explain the following:
i) Total quality management (2 marks)
ii) Fixed position layout (2 marks)
iii) Product layout (2 marks)
iv) Process layout (2 marks)

i) Total Quality Management: Total quality management (TQM) is a management philosophy that continuously emphasizes managing the entire organization to improve product and service quality. It is an organized, organization-wide activity involving all employees.
(2 marks)

ii) Fixed Position Layout: This is the type of layout where the product being manufactured remains fixed at a particular place, and workers and materials are transported to that location. This is because the product is too large or fragile to be moved after production.
(2 marks)

iii) Product Layout: Also called line-flow layout, this method refers to the layout in which workstations are arranged in such a way that each product or service follows a path that is pre-determined by the product’s processing requirements. The main feature of this method is that resources are placed to maximize product flow.
(2 marks)

iv) Process Layout: With this layout, identical processes are located together. It is convenient for the operation to group them together or to improve the use of transforming resources. This means that when products, information, or customers flow through the operation, they take a route from process to process according to their needs.
(2 marks)

Total quality management has gained attention in both manufacturing and service firms as a way of improving on the firm’s operations, yet its implementation has met a lot of resistance from employees. You are required to:
i) Explain total quality management.
ii) Suggest FOUR guidelines that can be adopted to reduce such resistance.

i) Explanation of Total Quality Management:
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management philosophy that emphasizes managing the whole organization in order for it to continuously excel in all dimensions of products and services that are important to the customer.
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a philosophy involving all employees in an organization in a continual effort to improve quality and achieve customer satisfaction.
(2 marks)

ii) Guidelines to Reduce Resistance:

  1. Top-down Commitment and Involvement: Management must demonstrate a top-down commitment and involvement approach to get all employees participating in the implementation of TQM.
  2. Training: Management must provide appropriate training, resources, and human resource back-up to facilitate the smooth implementation of TQM.
  3. Measurement Factors: Management must determine critical measurement factors that can be used to track the progress of TQM.
  4. Cost of Quality: Management must identify the costs of quality and routes to improvement to enhance the successful implementation of TQM.
  5. Teamwork: Management must institute and emphasize teamwork to ensure successful implementation of TQM.
  6. Time Span: Management must allow time to see progress in the implementation process and reward contributions for its success.
  7. Spread Success Stories: Management must spread stories about the successful implementation of TQM to serve as a motivator to employees.