Question Tag: Taxpayer

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b) The only tool for communicating a tax liability to a taxpayer is through a notice of assessment.

Required: What are the elements of a notice of tax assessment?
(8 marks)

Where the Commissioner-General makes an assessment, the Commissioner-General is required to serve a written notice of the assessment on the taxpayer. In addition to any requirements of the tax law in question, the notice of assessment should contain:

  • The name of the taxpayer.
  • The Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) of the taxpayer.
  • The assessment by the Commissioner-General of the tax payable by the taxpayer for the period, event, or matter to which the assessment relates.
  • The amount of tax remaining to be paid after any relevant credits, reductions, or pre-payments.
  • The manner in which the assessment is calculated.
  • The reason why the Commissioner-General has made the assessment.
  • The date by which the tax is to be paid.
  • The time, place, and manner of objecting to the assessment.

(8 points for 8 marks)