Question Tag: Tax Structure

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Taxation system can be classified in many ways. It could be based on the method used in the computation of the tax or based on the incidence/responsibility for the payment of the tax.

Explain the structural or classification of the Ghanaian tax system.
(5 marks)

Structural and classification of taxes in Ghana:
Based on the method used for the calculation of the tax

  • Proportional Tax: Tax levied at a fixed rate on the amount of income earned. E.g., a household earning GH¢10,000 and another earning GH¢10 million will both pay 10% of their income as tax.
  • Progressive Tax: Tax rate increases with the amount of income. E.g., a household earning GH¢10,000 may pay 5%, while one earning GH¢10 million may pay 35%.
  • Regressive Tax: Tax rate decreases as income increases. Typically seen in excise taxes.Based on who has the responsibility to pay the tax
  • Direct Tax: The impact and incidence of tax fall on the same person, such as personal income tax, company tax, etc.
  • Indirect Tax: The impact and incidence of tax fall on different people, such as VAT, excise tax, etc.

(5 marks evenly spread using ticks)