Question Tag: Tax reforms

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Tax reforms have characterised global taxation. Countries have embarked on various reforms geared towards improving tax revenue to help provide the basis for infrastructural and guarantee sustainable development. Ghana has not been left out in these critical tax reforms.
Tax administration in Ghana therefore has seen a number of reforms since the 1960s, with the most recent being the integration of the Revenue Agencies into an Authority to act as a one-stop shop as per the Ghana Revenue Authority Act, 2009 (Act 791).
Evaluate FOUR (4) roles played by the Ghana Revenue Authority in the management of the Ghanaian economy. (6 marks)

The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) plays the following roles in managing the Ghanaian economy:

  • Assess and collect taxes, interest, and penalties: Ensures optimum efficiency in tax collection and payment into the Consolidated Fund.
  • Promote tax compliance and education: GRA promotes voluntary tax compliance through public education and awareness.
  • Combat tax fraud and evasion: It works with other law enforcement agencies, both locally and internationally, to combat tax fraud and evasion.
  • Advise District Assemblies: GRA provides support and guidance to District Assemblies in their efforts to assess and collect local revenue.
  • Make recommendations on revenue collection policy: GRA advises the Minister of Finance on policy reforms to enhance revenue collection.
  • Publish reports and statistics: GRA is responsible for preparing and releasing relevant reports and statistics related to revenue collection.

a) Tax reforms have characterised global taxation. Countries have embarked on various reforms geared towards improvement in tax revenue to help provide the basis for infrastructure and guarantee sustainable development. Ghana has not been left out in these critical tax reforms.

Tax administration in Ghana therefore has seen a number of reforms since the 1960s, with the most recent being the integration of the Revenue Agencies to an Authority to act as a one-stop shop as per the Ghana Revenue Authority Act, 2009 (Act 791).

Required: Discuss the governance structure of the Ghana Revenue Authority.
(5 marks)

The Ghana Revenue Authority’s governance structure is headed by a 9-member Board of Directors made up of:

  • Chairperson,
  • The Commissioner-General of the Authority. Commissioner-General is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the affairs of the Authority and is answerable to the Board.
    The Commissioner-General is assisted by three Commissioners namely:

    • Domestic Tax Revenue Division
    • Customs Division
    • Support Service
  • A representative of the Ministry of Finance not below the rank of a Director,
  • A representative of the Ministry of Trade and Industry not below the rank of a Director,
  • The Governor of the Bank of Ghana or a representative of the Governor not below the rank of a Deputy-Governor, and
  • Four other persons from the private sector, two of whom are women.