Question Tag: Supply of Services

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b) What constitutes supply of services under the VAT Act 870 (Act 2013)?
(4 marks)

Supply of Service means any supply which is not a supply of goods or money and includes:

  • The performance of services for another person.
  • The making available of a facility or advantage.
  • Tolerating a situation or refraining from doing an activity.

(4 marks)

There is imposed by the Value Added Tax Act, 2013 (Act 870) a tax to be known as the value added tax, which is to be charged on:
(a) The supply of goods or services made in the country other than exempt goods or services; and
(b) The import of goods or services other than exempt import.

i) What constitutes “Supply of Goods”?
ii) What constitutes “Supply of Services”?

i) Supply of Goods
Under the VAT Act, the supply of goods is an arrangement in which the owner parts with possession of goods, such as through sale, barter, lease, transfer, exchange, gift, or a similar disposition. Supply of goods does not include the supply of money. Additionally, the disposal of a taxable activity or part of a taxable activity that can be operated as a going concern is considered a supply of goods. Other forms of power, heat, refrigeration, or ventilation are also treated as a supply of goods.

ii) Supply of Services
A supply of services refers to the performance of services for another, making available a facility, tolerating a situation, or refraining from doing something. Services that are incidental to the supply of goods are considered part of the goods supply, and likewise, goods that are incidental to a service supply are treated as part of the service.