Question Tag: Standard Prices

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a) The monthly sales of Danamo Company Limited have been given as follows:

Monthly Sales (GH¢’000) Moving Total (GH¢’000)
April 150
May 140
June 160
July 180
August 200
September 190
October 220
November 230
December 250

i) Using the three-month moving average, calculate the trend. (3 marks)

ii) Using the line of best fit, estimate the sales of January, February, and March of the following year. (12 marks)

b) State and explain FIVE (5) sources of information that may be considered in setting standard prices for materials in Management Accounting. (5 marks)

i) Three-Month Moving Average

Month Sales (GH¢’000) Moving Total (GH¢’000) Moving Average (GH¢’000)
April 150
May 140 450 150
June 160 480 160
July 180 540 180
August 200 570 190
September 190 610 203.33
October 220 640 213.33
November 230 700 233.33
December 250
(3 marks evenly spread using ticks)

ii) Line of Best Fit

Month (X) Sales (Y) XY
1 150 150 1
2 160 320 4
3 180 540 9
4 190 760 16
5 203 1015 25
6 213 1278 36
7 233 1631 49
Total 1329 5730 140

b) Sources of Information for Setting Standard Prices

  1. Quotations and Estimates from Potential Suppliers: Price quotations or estimates provided by suppliers.
  2. Trend Information from Past Data: Historical data on material prices and trends.
  3. Bulk Discounts: Information on discounts for bulk purchases.
  4. Packaging and Carriage Inwards: Charges for packaging and transportation costs.
  5. Quality of Material: The expected quality may influence the price.
  6. Internally Manufactured Components: The predetermined standard cost for components.

(Any 5 points at 1 mark = 5 marks)