Question Tag: software development

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Oria Software Ltd, a computer software company, is developing a new accounting package, “Future Accounting”. The following are the budgeted amounts for the product over a four-year product life-cycle:

Year Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Estimated quantity in units 3,500 5,000 2,000 500
Research & Development costs 360,000
Design costs 240,000 250,000
Production costs:
Variable cost per unit 42 35 35 40
Fixed costs 150,000 150,000 120,000 100,000
Marketing costs:
Variable cost per unit 40 35 10 22
Fixed costs 30,000 20,000 12,000 15,000
Distribution costs:
Variable cost per unit 20 22 18 10
Fixed costs 50,000 60,000 40,000 30,000
Customer service costs:
Variable cost per unit 8 12 14 10
Fixed costs 80,000 85,000 45,000

To be profitable, Oria Software Ltd must generate revenues to cover costs for all six business functions taken together and, in particular, its high non-production costs. The company has therefore proposed a selling price of GH¢250 per software over the entire product life cycle.

i) Explain lifecycle costing and identify TWO (2) benefits Oria Software Ltd will derive from using lifecycle costing. (3 marks)
ii) Calculate the cost per software taking into account the entire lifecycle and comment on the proposed selling price. (7 marks)

i) Lifecycle Costing:

Lifecycle costing is a concept that traces all costs to a product over its complete lifecycle, from design through to cessation. It recognizes that for many products there are significant costs incurred in the early stages of their lifecycle. This is particularly relevant for Oria Software Ltd, as the design and development of software is a long and complex process with significant associated costs.

Benefits of Lifecycle Costing:

  1. The profitability of a product can be assessed by taking all costs into consideration, not just those incurred during production.
  2. It enhances decision-making regarding product introduction, product mix, and discontinuation by providing a comprehensive view of costs.
  3. It helps in pricing decisions, thereby preventing underpricing at the launch point and ensuring that all costs are covered over the product’s lifecycle.

(3 marks)

Clearly, proposed selling price per software of GH¢250 is not advisable as it is
lower than cost of production. Oria Software Inc. may either increase the selling
price or undertake cost reduction techniques like value engineering, quality cycle
or alternative source of cheaper material to be able to reduce the cost to be lower
than GH¢ 250 per unit.