Question Tag: Small Business

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Mr. Kogberegbe, a small manufacturer, has approached you as a Cost Accountant with the following data:

Sales Forecast

Additional information:
• Purchases are 45% of selling price and are paid for two months after
delivery. Delivery is in the month of sales.
• Collections from sales are 25% in the month of sales less 2% cash discount,
55%in the month after salesand the balance in the third month after sales.
• Production overheads are paid in the same month in which they are
incurred and this amounts to N1,240,000 per month. Included in
this amountaredepreciationof N70,000 andprepaidrent of N500,000.
• Other expenses are paid for in arrears and these amount to N620,000 per
• New plant of N540,000 will be bought in the month of January and
installed at acostof N75,000 the following month.
• Bank opening balance as at August 2016 shows an overdraft of
N2,150,000 and interest is charged at 3% of drawn down balance. I g n o r e
other bank charges

Prepare a cash budget for Mr. Kogberegbe’s business for the three months i.e,
September to November, 2016. Calculate the values to the nearest naira and show
all your workings.



Abah Enterprise is a small business but intends to bid for government contracts. It has a very small cash flow, with turnover unable to be registered under the compulsory registration arrangement for Value Added Tax. The proprietor of Abah Enterprise feels that if the enterprise is not registered for Value Added Tax, it will be difficult to be able to bid for government contracts.

Under what condition can Abah Enterprise apply to Ghana Revenue Authority for Value Added Tax Registration without meeting the threshold registration requirements under section 6 of the Value Added Tax Act 2013 (Act 870)?
(5 marks)

Abah Enterprise can apply for VAT registration without meeting the threshold if the following conditions are met:

Fixed Place of Abode or Business: The business must have a permanent and identifiable place of operation.

Reasonable Grounds for Belief: There should be reasonable grounds to believe that the business may soon meet the VAT registration threshold.

Proper Accounting Records: The business must maintain proper accounting records related to its operations.

Regular and Reliable Tax Returns: The business must submit regular and reliable tax returns as required by the Ghana Revenue Authority.

Fit and Proper Person: The proprietor must be deemed a fit and proper person to be registered for VAT.

(5 points @ 1 mark each = 5 marks)