Question Tag: Revenue Administration

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The Commissioner-General may, in the circumstances specified in section 28 (3) of the Revenue Administration Act, 2016 (Act 915), make a pre-emptive assessment of tax payable or to become payable by a person under a tax law whether or not the person is required to file a tax return.

Under what circumstance will the Commissioner-General make a pre-emptive assessment? (5 marks)

The Commissioner-General may make a pre-emptive tax assessment under the following circumstances:

  1. The person becomes bankrupt.
  2. The person’s business is wound up.
  3. The person’s business goes into liquidation.
  4. The Commissioner-General believes the person is about to leave the country indefinitely.
  5. The Commissioner-General believes the person is about to cease business activities in the country.
  6. The Commissioner-General believes the person has committed an offence under tax law.
  7. The Commissioner-General considers it appropriate, especially where the person fails to maintain adequate documentation.