Question Tag: Revaluation of Assets

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Neeta Ltd is a manufacturing company located in the Western Region. The trial balance of Neeta Ltd as at 31 March 2020 is as follows:

Trial Balance GH¢’000 GH¢’000
Revenue (Note i) 164,000
Production costs 90,000
Distribution costs 8,000
Administrative expenses 26,000
Inventory at 31 March 2019 19,710
Interest paid on interest-bearing borrowings 3,000
Income tax (Note iii) 100
Dividends paid on equity shares 5,000
Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) (Note iv) 77,000
Provision for depreciation on PPE at 31 March 2019 22,610
Trade receivables 53,000
Cash and cash equivalents 33,000
Trade payables 12,000
Long term interest-bearing borrowings 50,000
Lease rentals (Note v) 20,000
Deferred tax (Note iii) 7,000
Share capital 50,000
Retained earnings at 31 March 2019 29,000
Totals 334,710 334,710

Additional information:

i) On 1 April 2019, Neeta Ltd sold goods to a customer for a price of GH¢12.1 million. The terms of the sale allowed the customer extended credit, and the price was payable by the customer in cash on 31 March 2021. Neeta Ltd included the GH¢12.1 million in revenue for the current year and the corresponding entry in trade receivables. A discount rate that is appropriate for the risks in this transaction is 10%.

ii) The carrying value of inventory at 31 March 2020 was GH¢25 million.

iii) The estimated income tax on the profits for the year to 31 March 2020 is GH¢1.5 million. During the year, GH¢1.3 million was paid in full as the final settlement of income tax on the profits for the year ended 31 March 2019. The statement of financial position as at 31 March 2019 had included GH¢1.4 million in respect of this liability.

As at 31 March 2020, the carrying amounts of the net assets of Neeta Ltd exceeded their tax base by GH¢28 million. This information is before taking account of the Property revaluation (see Note iv below). The rate of income tax is 30%.

iv) Details of Property, Plant and Equipment are as follows:

Component of PPE Cost (GH¢’000) Accumulated depreciation at 31 March 2019 (GH¢’000) Carrying Amount at 31 March 2019 (GH¢’000)
Land 22,000 0 22,000
Buildings 28,000 5,600 22,400
Plant and Equipment 27,000 17,010 9,990
Total 77,000 22,610 54,390

The estimated useful economic life (at the date of purchase) of PPE components are:

  • Land: Infinite life
  • Building: 50 years
  • Plant and Equipment: 4 years

On 1 April 2019, the property’s open market value was GH¢60 million, including GH¢32 million relating to the building. The directors wish to reflect this revaluation in the financial statements, but no entries regarding the revaluation have been made. The directors do not want to make an annual transfer of excess depreciation to retained earnings. The original estimate of the useful economic life of the building is still considered valid. No assets were fully depreciated at 31 March 2020. All the depreciation is to be charged to the cost of sales.

v) On 1 April 2019, Neeta Ltd leased a large group of machines used in the production process. The lease was for 4 years, and the annual rental (payable in advance) was GH¢20 million. The lessee has not elected to apply the recognition exemption under IFRS 16 leases. The interest rate implicit in the lease can be taken as 9% per year.


a) Prepare the Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for Neeta Ltd for the year ended 31 March 2020.
(10 marks)

b) Prepare the Statement of Financial Position for Neeta Ltd as at 31 March 2020.
(10 marks)

(Total: 20 marks)

a) Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 March 2020

Description GH¢’000
Revenue (W1) 161,900
Cost of sales (W2) (109,917)
Gross profit 51,983
Distribution costs (8,000)
Administrative expenses (26,000)
Other income (W1) 1,000
Finance cost (W5) (7,556)
Profit before tax 11,427
Income tax expense (W6) (2,800)
Net profit for the period 8,627
Other comprehensive income
Revaluation surplus (W7) 10,920
Total comprehensive income 19,547


  1. Revenue Calculation:
Description GH¢’000
As per Trial Balance 164,000
Reversal of deferred revenue (W1) (12,100)
Inclusion at present value at date of sale 10,000
Total Revenue 161,900
  1. Cost of Sales:
Description GH¢’000
Opening inventory 19,710
Production costs 90,000
Closing inventory (25,000)
Depreciation (W3) 25,207
Total Cost of Sales 109,917
  1. Depreciation of Non-current Assets:
Description GH¢’000
Buildings (32,000 / 40 years) 800
Purchased plant and equipment (27,000 / 4 years) 6,750
Right-of-use asset (W4) 17,657
Total Depreciation 25,207
  1. Lease Liability:
Year Rentals (GH¢’000) Discount Factor @9% Present Value (GH¢’000)
2021 20,000 0.9174 18,348
2022 20,000 0.8417 16,834
2023 20,000 0.7722 15,444
Total 50,626 50,626

Lease Liability Payment:

Year Opening Balance Cash Paid Finance Cost @ 9% Closing Balance
2020 50,626 0 4,556 55,182
2021 55,182 (20,000) 3,166 38,347