Question Tag: Receivables Financing

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Discuss ONE (1) merit and ONE (1) demerit of engaging the services of a debt factoring agency. (3 marks)

Merit of Engaging a Debt Factoring Agency:

  • Reduction in Internal Debt Administration Costs: Engaging a debt factoring agency can lead to significant savings in the cost of managing and collecting receivables internally. Since the factoring agency takes over the administration and collection of debts, the company can reduce or eliminate the resources allocated to these functions. As the factoring agency specializes in debt administration, it can perform this function more efficiently and often at a lower cost than the company would incur if it managed the debts internally. Additionally, the company benefits from immediate cash flow, improving liquidity.

Demerit of Engaging a Debt Factoring Agency:

  • Higher Cost and Potential Negative Impact on Customer Relationships: One of the disadvantages of using a factoring agency is the potential higher cost compared to other financing options. The factoring agency may charge a higher interest rate on advances than other lenders, which can increase the overall cost of financing. Furthermore, the use of a factoring agency might negatively affect customer relationships. The agency might not treat the company’s customers with the same level of care or flexibility in debt collection as the company would, potentially leading to a loss of customer goodwill. Additionally, the use of a factoring agency may signal financial distress to stakeholders, potentially damaging the company’s reputation.