Question Tag: Public sector governance

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After a glamorous swearing-in ceremony, you are elected the chair of the audit committee of Petroleum Commission, Ghana, a state-owned organization.

Discuss how you would execute your stewardship in the first year of your tenure. (10 marks)

Firstly, I will have to understand the nature of the organization.

Make sure I obtain copies of the following:

  • The law establishing the organization
  • Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658)
  • Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921)
  • Internal Audit charter of the organization
  • Risk Assessment Profile of the organization
  • Strategic Plan of the Organization
  • Organization Chart
  • Corporate Profile
  • Write-up on all the Heads of Department
  • Previous Internal audit reports
  • Previous External audit reports

Second, plan how the work will be done by holding a meeting with the members and the internal auditor to discuss and review the following:

  • Internal audit charter
  • The risk of the organization
  • Internal Audit Plan and Budget for the year

Hold meetings to discuss internal audit and external audit reports. Ensuring that internal audit work is done in line with the plan and ensure that recommendations by internal and external auditors are discussed with management and implemented.

  • Ensuring that the internal audit department is adequately resourced, with personnel and equipment, to perform creditably.
  • Supervise meetings in a coordinated manner to ensure that members participate effectively to the benefit of the organization.
  • Ensure that internal audit personnel are given periodic and adequate training.
  • Ensure the independence of internal audit personnel in the performance of its work.
  • Ensure implementation of any recommendation contained in:
    • Internal audit report
    • Parliament’s decision on the Auditor-General’s report
    • Auditor-General’s Management Letter
    • The report of an internal monitoring unit in the organization, particularly in relation to financial matters.
  • Ensure reports are made annually on the implementation of recommendations to the Minister, Parliament, and Office of the President and the Auditor-General within six months after the end of each financial year.
  • Review the activities of the year to ensure that the organization’s risks are adequately attended to.