Question Tag: Public Limited Company

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Asante, Oforiwaa, and Obrafour, who are well known to you and have been operating a Partnership for many years, have approached you for advice regarding their decision to convert it into a Public Limited Liability Company.

Explain FOUR (4) benefits that will be enjoyed by members of the Partnership should they convert it into a Public Limited Liability Company.

Benefits of Converting to a Public Limited Liability Company:

  1. Limited Liability:
    The liability of members of a public limited liability company is limited. Thus, the owners are normally not personally liable for the debts and liabilities of the business apart from any personal commitments they might have made.
    (2.5 marks)
  2. Ease of Share Transfer:
    A member of a public company can freely transfer his shares by trading them on the Stock Exchange without reference to other members.
    (2.5 marks)
  3. Capital Raising:
    Shareholders of a public limited liability company can raise more capital by inviting the general public to subscribe for shares in the business. This option is not available to a partnership form of business.
    (2.5 marks)
  4. Unlimited Membership:
    A public limited liability company can have as many members as it desires, unlike partnerships and private companies, which have ceilings on their membership.
    (2.5 marks)

Mr. Steve Ansah and his wife Betty, who have successfully operated SteveBetty Co. Ltd, a Private Limited Liability Company, over the last several years, are considering converting it into a Public Limited Liability Company and have approached you as a Corporate Planning Analyst for your advice.

i) Explain to them THREE (3) advantages associated with converting to a Public Limited Liability Company.
(6 marks)

ii) Explain Corporate Social Responsibility to the management of SteveBetty Co. Ltd.
(2 marks)

iii) State TWO (2) examples of socially responsible projects that SteveBetty Co. Ltd can engage in.
(2 marks)


i) Advantages of a Public Limited Company

  • The liability of the owners of a public limited company is limited. This means that the company is seen in law as a separate person from its owners or shareholders. Thus, the owners are not normally liable for the debts and liabilities of the business, unless they have made some personal commitments.
  • The shareholders of a public limited company can raise more capital than a private one by inviting the general public to subscribe for shares in the business. This option is not available to a private company.
  • Shares in a public limited company are freely transferable. This means that shareholders can easily transfer their shares in a public company by trading them on the stock exchange.

(3 points for 2 marks each)
(6 marks)

ii) Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by an organization to behave ethically and in such a way that while it seeks to maximize profits, it also contributes towards improving the quality of life of its employees as well as of the community in which it operates and society in general.
(2 marks)

iii) Examples of Social Activities A Company May Engage In

  • Provision of social amenities like potable water, building of libraries, etc.
  • Employment of local citizens
  • Taking concrete steps to avoid environmental pollution