Question Tag: Profit Forecast

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Kuntu Ltd manufactures one standard product, the standard marginal cost of which is as follows:

Cost Element GH¢
Direct material per unit 10.00
Direct wages per unit 7.50
Variable production overhead 1.25
Total Marginal Cost per Unit 18.75

The budget for the year includes the following:

  • Output (units): 80,000
  • Total fixed Overheads:
    • Production: GH¢1,000,000
    • Advertising: GH¢600,000
    • Marketing: GH¢500,000
  • Contribution: GH¢2,500,000

In reviewing the budget for the coming year, management is dissatisfied with the results likely to arise. An emergency board meeting was held to discuss possible strategies to improve the situation, and the following strategies were proposed:

Strategy 1: The Production Manager suggested reducing the selling price by 10%. This could increase output by 25%. It is estimated that these changes would result in an increase in fixed production overhead by GH¢50,000 and fixed marketing overhead by GH¢25,000.

Strategy 2: The Director of Finance suggested increasing the selling price by 10%. Additionally, with an increase in advertising cost by GH¢400,000, sales units would increase to 90,000 units. It is also estimated that this strategy would increase the fixed production overhead by GH¢25,000 and marketing overhead by GH¢20,000.

Strategy 3: The Marketing Director suggested that with an appropriate increase in advertising expenditure, sales could be increased by 20%, and a profit on turnover of 15% could be obtained. It is estimated that fixed production overhead would increase to GH¢1,040,000 and marketing overhead would increase by GH¢25,000.

Strategy 4: The Managing Director seeks a profit of GH¢600,000. He would like to know at what selling price the target profit could be achieved given the following estimates: An increase in advertising expenditure by GH¢360,000 would result in a 10% increase in sales. However, fixed production and marketing overheads would increase by GH¢25,000 and GH¢17,000 respectively.


i) Prepare a forecast profit statement for Strategy 1 and Strategy 2. (6 marks)

ii) Estimate the additional expenditure on advertisement to achieve results in Strategy 3. (5 marks)

iii) Estimate the selling price that is required to achieve a profit of GH¢600,000 in Strategy 4. (5 marks)

i) Forecast Profit Statement for Strategy 1 and Strategy 2:

Strategy 1:

Description GH¢
Sales Revenue (90% × 80,000 × 125%) × 45 4,500,000
Variable Cost (100,000 units × GH¢18.75) 1,875,000
Contribution 2,625,000
Less: Fixed Costs
– Existing Fixed Costs 2,100,000
– Extra Production Overhead 50,000
– Extra Marketing Overhead 25,000
Profit 450,000

Strategy 2:

Description GH¢
Selling Price (GH¢50 × 1.1) 55.00
Variable Cost 18.75
Contribution per unit 36.25
Sales Units 90,000
Contribution 3,262,500
Less: Fixed Costs
– Existing Fixed Costs 2,100,000
– Extra Advertising 400,000
– Extra Production Overhead 25,000
– Extra Marketing Overhead 20,000
Profit 717,500

ii) Additional Expenditure on Advertisement for Strategy 3:

Description GH ¢
Selling Price 50.00
Variable Cost 18.75
Contribution per unit 31.25
Sales Units (80,000 × 1.2) 96,000
Contribution 3,000,000
Less: Fixed Costs
– Fixed Production Overhead 1,040,000
– Marketing Overhead 525,000
– Existing Advertising 600,000
– Additional Advertising (calculated below) 115,000
– Profit (15% × 96,000 × GH¢50) 720,000

Additional Advertising Expenditure:=3,000,0001,040,000525,000600,000720,000=GH¢115,000

iii) Required Selling Price for Strategy 4:

Description GH¢
Sales Units (80,000 × 1.1) 88,000
Fixed Costs 2,100,000
Extra Advertising 360,000
Extra Production Overhead 25,000
Extra Marketing Overhead 17,000
Profit Target 600,000

Calculation of Selling Price:Profit=

(Selling PriceVariable Cost)×Sales UnitsFixed Costs


Required Selling Price = GH¢54 per unit