Question Tag: Production Volume Ratio

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a) GG Ltd is into fuel processing and transportation. GG Ltd produces three types of fuel, namely: Petrol, Diesel, and Pre-mix fuel.

The standard time for the production of the fuel types are:

  • Petrol: 50 minutes per metric tonne
  • Diesel: 30 minutes per metric tonne
  • Pre-mix fuel: 45 minutes per metric tonne.

The production budget for August is as follows:

  • Petrol: 42,000 metric tonnes
  • Diesel: 60,000 metric tonnes
  • Pre-mix fuel: 45,000 metric tonnes

The actual data for the month were as follows:

  • Labour: 100,000 hours
  • Production:
    • Petrol: 45,000 metric tonnes
    • Diesel: 50,000 metric tonnes
    • Pre-mix fuel: 40,000 metric tonnes.

Compute and interpret the following:
i) The efficiency ratio. (3 marks)
ii) The capacity ratio. (3 marks)
iii) The production volume or activity ratio. (4 marks)

i) Efficiency Ratio:
Efficiency ratio is calculated as:

Efficiency Ratio=Standard hours for actual productionActual hours worked×100%\text{Efficiency Ratio} = \frac{\text{Standard hours for actual production}}{\text{Actual hours worked}} \times 100\%

Standard hours for actual production:

  • Petrol: 5060×45,000=37,500 hours\frac{50}{60} \times 45,000 = 37,500 \text{ hours}
  • Diesel: 3060×50,000=25,000 hours\frac{30}{60} \times 50,000 = 25,000 \text{ hours}
  • Pre-mix fuel: 4560×40,000=30,000 hours\frac{45}{60} \times 40,000 = 30,000 \text{ hours}

Total standard hours for actual production = 92,500 hours

Efficiency Ratio = 92,500100,000×100%=92.5%\frac{92,500}{100,000} \times 100\% = 92.5\%

This ratio indicates that the actual production level was achieved in more time than the standard time set for it. The company operated at 92.5% efficiency, meaning the production was 7.5% below the normal efficiency level. (3 marks)

ii) Capacity Ratio:
Capacity ratio is calculated as:

Capacity Ratio=Actual hours workedBudgeted hours×100%\text{Capacity Ratio} = \frac{\text{Actual hours worked}}{\text{Budgeted hours}} \times 100\%

Budgeted hours:

  • Petrol: 5060×42,000=35,000 hours\frac{50}{60} \times 42,000 = 35,000 \text{ hours}
  • Diesel: 3060×60,000=30,000 hours\frac{30}{60} \times 60,000 = 30,000 \text{ hours}
  • Pre-mix fuel: 4560×45,000=33,750 hours\frac{45}{60} \times 45,000 = 33,750 \text{ hours}

Total budgeted hours = 98,750 hours

Capacity Ratio = 100,00098,750×100%=101.27%\frac{100,000}{98,750} \times 100\% = 101.27\%

This ratio indicates that the actual hours worked were more than the budgeted hours by 1.27%, or 1,250 hours. (3 marks)

iii) Production Volume or Activity Ratio:
Production volume ratio is calculated as:

Production Volume Ratio=Standard hours for actual productionBudgeted hours×100%\text{Production Volume Ratio} = \frac{\text{Standard hours for actual production}}{\text{Budgeted hours}} \times 100\%

Production Volume Ratio = 92,50098,750×100%=93.7%\frac{92,500}{98,750} \times 100\% = 93.7\%

This ratio indicates that the actual production level is 6.3% less than the budgeted level of production. (4 marks)