Question Tag: Power

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Leadership is undoubtedly an essential complement of position authority. This means that no matter the amount of authority a person wields by reason of the position he holds in an organization, if he does not possess and demonstrate effective leadership qualities, he is bound to fail in the management of subordinates.

i) In reference to the above statement, explain leadership.
(2 marks)

ii) Explain FOUR (4) sources of a leader’s power.
(8 marks)

i) Leadership:
Leadership is the art of influencing a person or group of people to willingly strive to achieve set objectives or goals. It is the ability to guide, direct, and influence the actions or activities of a person or group towards goal attainment in a given situation.
(2 marks)

ii) Sources of a Leader’s Power:

  1. Legitimate Power:
    This power is based on the acceptance by subordinates or followers that the leader has the authority to exercise influence over them due to the position he occupies in the organization.
    (2 marks)
  2. Expert Power:
    Expert power stems from the leader’s perceived expertise and special knowledge in a specific field. Followers trust and rely on the leader’s skills and knowledge.
    (2 marks)
  3. Coercive Power:
    Coercive power is based on fear and the belief that the leader has the capacity to administer punishment or create undesirable outcomes for those who refuse to obey his instructions.
    (2 marks)
  4. Referent Power:
    Referent power is derived from the followers’ identification with the leader. This power is based on the leader’s personal attributes, reputation, or charisma, which inspire loyalty and admiration.
    (2 marks)

b) Explain the following:
i) Leadership
ii) Power
iii) Authority
(8 marks)

i) Leadership:
Leadership can be defined as the activity of influencing people to willingly act in a manner to achieve group objectives. It is a process of getting others to work willingly to achieve objectives without being coerced.
(2 marks)

ii) Power:
Power refers to the ability of one person to do something or require another person to act in a certain manner, irrespective of the nature or extent of resistance demonstrated by the person from whom the action is required.
(3 marks)

iii) Authority:
Authority is the scope and amount of discretion given to a person to make decisions by virtue of the position they hold in an organization. This right to make decisions is recognized both by the person exercising the right and those over whom that right is exercised.
(3 marks)

Since being employed by Barry Ltd as Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer about three months ago, you have always heard employees, including some middle-level Managers, use ‘Management’ and ‘Leadership’ interchangeably, which you think is not right.

A staff durbar is scheduled to take place in the next few days, and you have decided to use the platform to educate members of staff on the two concepts as a form of orientation.

a) Differentiate between ‘Management’ and ‘Leadership’.
(5 marks)
b) Distinguish between ‘Power’ and ‘Authority’.
(5 marks)
c) Explain FOUR (4) basic functions of Management.
(10 marks)

a) Differentiation Between ‘Management’ and ‘Leadership’:

  • Management:
    Management is the process of deciding what an organization wants to do, putting appropriate organizational structures in place, and taking steps to ensure that employees perform their assigned duties and responsibilities to achieve organizational objectives. It involves planning, organizing, directing, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals.
    (2.5 marks)
  • Leadership:
    Leadership, on the other hand, is the act of influencing people to willingly act in a given manner to achieve set group objectives. Leadership is more about inspiring and motivating individuals to follow a vision or goal. It focuses on people and their development, guiding them towards a common objective.
    (2.5 marks)

b) Distinguishing Between ‘Power’ and ‘Authority’:

  • Power:
    Power refers to the ability of one person to influence or direct the behavior of others, regardless of the resistance faced. Power can be derived from various sources, including expertise, relationships, or the ability to reward or punish. It is the capacity to get things done by others.
    (2.5 marks)
  • Authority:
    Authority is the legitimate right to make decisions, give orders, and enforce obedience. It is conferred by the position held within an organization and is recognized by those being influenced. Authority is more structured and formalized compared to power.
    (2.5 marks)

c) Basic Functions of Management:

  1. Planning:
    Planning involves setting goals and determining the best course of action to achieve them. It includes forecasting future conditions, defining objectives, and deciding on the actions necessary to reach those objectives.
    (2.5 marks)
  2. Organizing:
    Organizing is the process of arranging resources and tasks in a structured way to achieve the organization’s objectives. It involves creating a framework that defines the roles, responsibilities, and authority of individuals within the organization.
    (2.5 marks)
  3. Directing:
    Directing is the process of guiding and supervising employees to ensure that they are working towards the organization’s goals. It includes giving instructions, motivating employees, and ensuring effective communication within the organization.
    (2.5 marks)
  4. Controlling:
    Controlling involves monitoring the organization’s performance and comparing it with the set objectives. If there are deviations, corrective actions are taken to ensure that the organization stays on track to achieve its goals.
    (2.5 marks)

One of your colleagues is reluctant in joining a formal group that has been established in your company.
Explain FIVE benefits that may accrue to him/her if he/she joins the group.

i) Security: When he/she joins the group, the level of insecurity that is associated with being alone will be reduced because of the support from group members.

ii) Enhanced Status: If he/she becomes a member, the recognition and respect given to the group members will also be extended to him/her.

iii) Self-Esteem: As a member of a group, he/she will enjoy some sense of self-worth from the group.

iv) Power: There is power in numbers, and what cannot be achieved individually can be achieved by the group.

v) Knowledge Acquisition: When an individual joins a group, he/she will have the benefit of gaining knowledge from the more experienced members of the group.

vi) Enhanced Negotiation Position: The individual, by becoming a member of a group, will enhance his/her negotiation position because the impact of group decisions carries more weight than individual decisions.

vii) Friendship: It is a mechanism for satisfying the individual’s needs for friendship and social intercourse.

viii) Leadership and Identity: Groups serve as an opportunity to find the individual’s identity and provide leadership opportunities.