Question Tag: Personal Liberty

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Abena Muka had been a client of Good Shepherd Savings and Loans Ltd (GSSL). In June 2018, Abena Muka was at the office of GSSL to transact business. She entered the office after business hours had ended. Having been to the office consecutively for the third time without being served, she insisted that she would not leave the banking hall until served. Her insistence attracted officials of GSSL, who instructed the policeman on duty to remove her. The policeman, in obeying the instruction, severely beat up Abena Muka, attracting public attention.

Explain TWO (2) fundamental human rights of Abena Muka that were violated by the company and the policeman as per the constitution of the Republic of Ghana. (6 marks)

  • The personal liberty of Abena Muka was violated in the sense that her movement was momentarily restricted, violating Article 14 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, 1992. (3 marks)
  • The dignity of Abena Muka was breached when the policeman subjected her to beatings, and the company disrespected her dignity by refusing to serve her. This violated Article 15 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, 1992. (3 marks)